Bishop is back – like you’ve never seen him before! The time lost, energy manipulating X-Man from the future will have a showdown with Psylocke, Storm, Puck and Spiral in this week’s Uncanny X-Force #3.
Bishop turned on his fellow X-Men in Messiah Complex trying to kill Hope and has fought with Cable across the timestream over the mutant messiah.
How did Bishop get his new powers? In the final page of the previous issue it looked like…before I go on I will give a
It looked like Bishop was possessed by the Demon Bear! Chris Claremont created this entity that tormented Dani Moonstar in the New Mutants and later Warpath in the second volume of X-Force.
Writer Sam Humphries explains how Bishop’s return will affect Psylocke’s squad.
“How and why Bishop comes back will have a huge impact on the team. It’s a situation they can’t walk away from. Bishop is such a great character who has had so many roles. I’m excited to take him on after he’s been gone for two years our time, stranded in the future. He went to great lengths to try to murder a little girl because he believed it was the right thing to do. Having failed to do that and coming to terms with the fact that maybe he was wrong is going to change a man. We’re going to see a Bishop who at his core is the same person, but who has been through a lot since we’ve last seen him,” Humphries told Marvel.com.

There are two X-Force teams in the Marvel Now. As I said earlier, Bishop has a future history with Cable. Will this team interact with Cable and X-Force by Dennis Hopeless?
“As far as my team is concerned, they are the ONLY X-Force team. If these two teams ever intersect, it’s gonna be heavy! Dennis Hopeless smells!” said Humphries, “Right off the bat, you’ve got Cable leading one team and Bishop fighting the other. Those two cannot be on the same planet in the same year without trying to beat the crap out of each other. Let’s just say those two have unfinished business.”
For more from Humphries here’s the Marvel.com link.
Uncanny X-Force #3 blasts into comic book shops this week!
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