Treachery among killers. Rick Remender is counting down to his final issue and series finale of Uncanny X-Force. The series that opened with the killing of a child who would become Apocalypse has never lots its edge. This time it’s personal.
Evan is one of the most tragic figures in the X-world today. Fantomex and Wolverine thought this clone could have an innocent childhood and not rise to become the evil Apocalypse. The boy has been kidnapped by a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, learned the truth of his origin and is being pushed into his dark destiny.
Daken, Sabretooth, Mystique, Blob, Skinless Man and the Shadow King think they’ve killed X-Force and can harness the unleashed Apocalypse. This chapter is a harrowing story of treachery among killers. As always Mystique has her own agenda and has her own endgame planned out. Sabretooth appears to be learning from Raven. Shadow King is priming Evan to be Apocalypse. Victor is manipulating Daken by twisting his daddy issues.
The biggest manipulation comes from Betsy. I’ve loved how Remender has written Psylocke and she has two huge moments in this issue. Uncanny X-Force #31 ends with what could be a final execution as one of Logan’s teammates goes rogue. The covert team’s final mission mirrors the one that started the series.
All the agendas of these heroes and villains could lead to drastic twists into a new direction. That’s why I’ve always said Remender is fearless writer. Anything could happen in his book.
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