Cable and X-Force vs. Uncanny Avengers!
The final showdown happens in Cable and X-Force #14.
Hope may be the only one to save her adoptive father.
Writer Dennis Hopeless says don’t count Cable and company out just because they up against some of Marvel’s most powerful heroes.
“There’s no denying that the Avengers are the safe bet here but it does say X-Force on the cover. Colossus is no slouch in a brawl, Domino and Boom Boom are both pretty scrappy and the X-Force science team of Dr. Nemesis and Forge always [has] a few tricks up their sleeves. We’ll see what they come up with,” Hopeless tells Marvel.com.
“I think underestimation is probably X-Force’s greatest weapon here,” says Hopeless. “Without Cable, they aren’t going to seem particularly dangerous to the Uncanny Avengers. Much to his chagrin, most super heroes don’t shake in fear at the sight of Dr. Nemesis, but maybe they should. The man is an artist when it comes to breeding giant insects and annelids.”
Here’s a look at Salvador Larroca’s art from Cable and X-Force #14 out this Wednesday:

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