Rick Remender launched Uncanny Avengers (Captain America, Wolverine, Thor, Havok, Rogue, Scarlet Witch) in a big shocking way: a reborn Red Skull armed with the brain of Professor Xavier. I’m not ashamed to say I screamed when I saw the super villain holding the Professor’s brain above his desecrated head.

The battle to stop the Red Skull’s war on mutants continues in the streets of New York as one member of the team switches sides! You could call the reborn Nazi scientist the Omega Skull since he now has the telepathic powers of the late Professor Charles Xavier, a definite Omega level mutant.

The fight against the Omega Skull and his S-Men takes a frightening turn in this preview art by John Cassaday from Uncanny Avengers #4 courtesy Marvel. Has the Odinson been turned against his teammates?

Havok and Scarlet Witch will have their mutant powers put to the test to take on the God of Thunder. Havok was recruited to be the leader. Is this Alex’s opportunity to rise to the challenge and prove he’s worthy – if he survives! This book is the redemption of the Scarlet Witch. It certainly looks like Alex and Wanda will get their shot but against Thor?
My most anticipated thing from this book – if it happens – is Wolverine delivering serious payback on the Red Skull for digging up the Professor and stealing his brain!
Uncanny Avengers #4 arrives February 27th.
By Editor