Uncanny Avengers: Scarlet Witch Redemption?

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Uncanny Avengers is the first of 20 new titles in the Marvel NOW! relaunch. New books, new creators, new costumes and a new start for one of Marvel’s most controversial characters: Scarlet Witch.

  The mutant Avenger who decimated the Children of the Atom is on the path to redemption in Uncanny Avengers by Rick Remender and John Cassaday. Wanda Maximoff is back in Avengers vs X-Men but the new book will see her back on a team after a long absence. How will the woman with hex power fit in the team dynamic which includes Avengers and mutants like Havok and Rogue?

  “She’s in a unique situation. She and her brother were the first mutants that Cap ever tapped for the Avengers, and they were on the second Avengers team. So she is a long-time Avenger who caused a lot of heartbreak and death, and depowered a whole lot of mutants. Obviously the events that led to that, she was not entirely in her right mind. Doctor Doom had helped confuse her with an energy source that had driven her quite crazy. And she had lost her kids. There’s redemption potential there, but I want to make sure that I’m careful with it.


Avengers Children’s Crusade #7 by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel.com

She’s a great character and she’s sort of torn between these two worlds. She’s always really been an Avenger when it comes down to it, but her community should be the mutant community. But they don’t necessarily dig her. She’s the daughter of Magneto former Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, an Avenger—she’s never really fit in with the X-Men. But at the same time, it’s kind of her people. Or should be. So she’s in a situation now where she’s reviled by most mutants for what she did, at least those who know what she did. And then you’ve got the Avengers, who she also played a big whammy on. It’s still not necessarily very easy to go “Oh, well if charged up you can alter reality—that’s a bad thing and we might maybe not want to go down that road with you.” 

  But, conversely, you’ve got somebody who’s a friend and a long-time Avenger, and somebody who really wants to make a difference. Wanda is very motivated to never be used as a weapon again, to never be a tool, to never be a thing that somebody can grab and misuse. She wants to stand up and she wants to be the face for mutants and sort of promote peace between the people—but she can’t. That’s not really a thing she can do. So she has to sit in the sidelines and sort of earn her redemption here—if that’s even possible—but in the meantime it’s kind of a case of “You’re going to be out there and doing the good work, but we should keep your public profile to a minimum. Keep you out of people’s eyes, probably.” And that continues to drive a knife in her belly.”

Avengers Vs X-Men #6 variant courtesy Marvel

 Uncanny Avengers #1 debuts this October. If you want to follow Wanda’s fall and rebirth I recommend: Avengers: Disassembled, House of M and Avengers: The Children Crusade.

  The way Rick Remender writes Psylocke in Uncanny X-Force makes me very excited with him handling the return of Scarlet Witch. For a real Scarlet Witch flashback – check out Avengers: Nights of Wundagore in which the Witch is possessed by the Elder God Chthon in a classic tale by David Micheline and John Byrne.

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