Marvel reveals the next almost all-new, all-different lineup for Uncanny Avengers.
The book launched in the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men with Captain America and Wolverine forming a Unity squad including Thor, Havok, Rogue and Scarlet Witch. Wasp, Wonder Man and Sunfire later joined the roster.
Now we know a very different team lineup will form in the aftermath of AXIS.
Veterans Rogue and Scarlet Witch will be joined by Sam Wilson (the new Captain America) Vision, Brother Voodoo, Quicksilver, Vision and Sabretooth as reported by ComicBook.com.
Victor Creed may still be “inverted” after the events of AXIS and playing the hero or anti-hero. Marvel heroes and villains will change roles as a results of the Red Onslaught – the Red Skull armed with the telepathic power of Professor X.
This new volume is connected to the “No More Mutants” teaser released a few weeks ago featuring Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Quicksilver is co-starring in the cancelled X-Factor series.

The first arc is titled Counter-Evolutionary and teases the return of an old villain with a secret affecting two members of the new Unity Squad and what is “Counter-Earth.”
Writer Rick Remender and artist Daniel Acuna will stay on the book.

With a team consisting of Scarlet Witch and Brother Voodoo – it could make fans wonder the fate of Doctor Strange who will be replaced by Wanda during AXIS.
Uncanny Avengers #1 arrives in January.
By Editor