When you look at the roster on the cover of this week’s Uncanny Avengers #5 you might think that’s an odd bunch – that’s kinda the point. This is the Avengers Unity Division. In the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men and murder of Professor Xavier, Captain America and Wolverine forged a new team made of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Children of the Atom. The team could barely unite when the reborn Red Skull emerged with the power of Professor X’s stolen mutant brain.
The first arc centered on rebirths. This issue begins with a birth (two to be exact.) Rick Remender weaves threads of his Uncanny X-Force epic and twisting it with the schemes of a classic Avengers villain. Marvel revealed this super group will face Apocalypse and Kang in the next arc. This is how it begins.
The story jumps to the return of two fan favorite Avengers currently in a rebirth process. Wonder Man is back from the dead and a still a holding a fatal attraction for the Scarlet Witch. Wasp is back from beyond – she was actually in the microverse. Simon and Jan have been recruited for very specific goals to help this team but the past keeps following them into the Marvel Now.

I loved the way Wanda was portrayed in last issue’s showdown with the Red Skull and a possessed Thor. Remender continues to demonstrate his talent for writing strong female characters. Rogue is sassy and strong but the brashness hides her intense feelings over the death and desecration of Professor X. Wasp represents the past and possibility of what heroes can represent in the Marvel Now. I felt like I was there at the front door of the old mansion being nostalgic with Jan and Simon and feeling the jolt of the X-factor in the old Avengers HQ.
There was head scratching when Havok was announced as team leader. Alex has some moments of greatness and moments that reinforced the doubts in his ability during the first arc. Remender makes some incredibly moving moments between Rogue encouraging Alex and the big moment when Havok boldly steps out of his brother’s shadow and becomes a major Marvel icon.
The books ends with a huge cliffhanger a member of the Unity team kills a major Marvel character with the world’s media rolling. Public relations problems are the least of this team’s worries: Thor versus Apocalypse! Kang! Apocalypse Twins – Twins!
By Editor