The Children of the Atom may have won over the hearts of two of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes but they have a new enemy that is pure evil and possibly the most powerful new villain in the Marvel Universe. Welcome to the Uncanny Avengers.
Here’s what you need to know: Captain America wants you Alex Summers! The Star-Spangled Avenger asks Havok to lead a team of human and mutants heroes. A mutant terrorist attacks New York City. Havok, Cap, Wolverine and Thor fight to stop the madman and save lives. Scarlet Witch and Rogue are attacked by a mysterious squad of freaks at Professor Xavier’s grave. The Red Skull has been reborn and he’s stolen Xavier’s brain.
Rick Remender and John Cassaday continue the shock and awe in this week’s issue #2 picking right up where the last issue left off. The Red Skull is using the Professor’s brain as a weapon to inflame anti-mutant rage. The creators deliver more “oh —-!” moments involving the Red Skull and his manipulations.
I’m really excited by the way Remender portrays Rogue from her clash with Scarlet Witch, her discovery of Xavier’s remains and her recollection of joining the X-Men.
This book is definitely working for me and I’m excited for what’s next. Remender and Cassaday have me hooked!
By Editor