After deaths of fan-favorite X-Men and Avengers (not the mention the murder of a Celestial!) what does writer Rick Remender do next in his ongoing epic?
Planet X begins this week in Uncanny Avengers #18. It’s up to the last survivors of the Unity Squad to stop Kang the Conqueror.
“We’re going to tell this story through the eyes of the last human on the planet: Wasp,” said Remender in an earlier Marvel Liveblog.
“The good news for Havok and Wasp fans are that they clearly make it to issue #18 in some way. The bad news is what happens to them beyond issue #18.” teased Executive Editor Tom Brevoort.
“Wasp was the leader of the Avengers when I was a kid, so in my mind, she’s always kind of in that role. She’s always pulling the levers. Whether she’s conscious of it or not, she does it in a natural way. It lands her in a pretty unique predicament coming out of Ragnarok Now. I think we’ve found a very interesting role to put her in,” said Remender.

Will the next act reveal what really happened to Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Wonder Man and Captain America after brutal deaths in previous issues.
“There is a sleight of hand happening here. There is time travel and alternate futures involved. We are still building to something that will involve Onslaught in a fairly significant role.”
Kang is recruiting his own squad from across the timelines including Stryfe, Arno Stark and Doom 2099. The writer explains the reasons behind Kang’s mission:
“The Kang stuff is definitely going to play a big role and he’s selected each one of those characters for specific reasons, and we’ll start to see more of what’s going on with him in issue #18,” Remender told Comic Book Resources.
“Well, their timelines are being erased and their entire universes are being rewound. They’re in a situation where Kang shows up and offers to fix things or maybe do something else that could benefit them. So it’s all about the person and the situation that they’re in and the dilemma versus the opportunity. In this case the opportunity that they’re offered is basically salvation or destruction. So they basically decide to work together toward this goal that Kang has concocted, which we’ll reveal in issues #19-20.”

The story and world radically shifts with the next arc Planet X that introduces a very different X-Force.
Marvel revealed Daniel Acuna’s designs from this upcoming arc including Magneto, Wasp, Havok and a new Pyro and Avalanche.
Planet X begins in Uncanny Avengers #18.Now out Wednesday.
By Editor