Ultimate Colossus Is Back

Ultimate Comics X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

  The Colossus I knew and loved is long gone in Uncanny X-Men. Peter is in a dark place now that he’s the Juggernaut. Peter made a deal with a devil. He made a bargain with Cyttorak to become his avatar in order to defeat the Kurth empowered Juggernaut. This decision caused Kitty to leave him.

  This week in Ultimate Comics X-Men #10 the alternative version of Peter is back. Colossus and Storm are among the mutants held and tortured in Camp Angel. These captured mutants face a tough choice when the government’s mutant secret is out. If Peter and Ororo bust out of the prison camp – don’t expect a reunion with Kitty. Colossus is gay in this line. I do hope we catch up with Kitty aka the Shroud and her mutant rebels on the run – including Wolverine’s son.


at one time, ultimate x was one of my favorite books. when they never really did anything with colossus, i dropped it. i heard about the peter on drugs story line and picked up all the back issues to read it, SO wish i had NOT. i read on wikipedia all the character deaths that happened in the ultimate universe during that one digusting story arc and i thought that i’d never read an ultimate book again. i’m going to pick this one up, i do still like ultimate colossus, hopefully it wont be a waste of time and money. does anyone know what happened to ultimate northstar? i assume he died. the only way i’ll put this book back on my short pull list is if the new ultimate wolvie is gay and he and colossus are boyfriends.

Will Power

I’m going to read the new Ultimate 10 tonight. I thought that Colossus and ultimate Longshot hooked up – I have to do my research. I liked this book when it was Kitty and company but it’s made a 180. Maybe Spencer is telling 3 arcs then bringing them all together.