ONLY THE X-MEN, How Mutants Always Make a Comeback

Extraordinary X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
Extraordinary X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

Mutants are under fire again in Extraordinary X-Men #1 as Terrigen Cloud is attacking, killing and sterilizing the Children of the Atom. Writer Jeff Lemire is charting the course for the mutants with this new genetic threat as a catalyst for change and drama ahead.

The X-Men have have had it tough and tragic over the decades fighting for a world that fears and hates them. Our mutant heroes always rise to the challenges editors and writers throw at them. If you need inspiration to root for the mutants as they face Death by Terrigen let’s look at the most tragic things to happen to the X-Men.

No More Mutants.

Scarlet Witch uttered those words in the House of M finale. The Decimation wiped out the mutant gene. Mutants lost their powers and no new ones would ever be born again…until Hope Summers.

Mutant Massacre.

Mister Sinister ordered The Marauders to wiped out the reclusive tribe of mutants known as the Morlocks. It was a shocking crossover that changed the lives of several X-Men: Angel’s wings were amputated leading him to become Archangel, Nightcrawler was beaten and stabbed nearly to death and Kitty Pryde was trapped in phased form. It was later revealed Gambit assembled the Marauders, an exposed secret that led to his exile from the team.

Legacy Virus.

No mutant was safe from this manufactured virus from the future brought into the past by Stryfe as a last attack on mutantkind. Pyro, Mastermind and the young Illyana Rasputin were victims of the virus. A grief-stricken Colossus infected himself and sacrificed his life to release the cure.

Dark Phoenix.

Just when Professor Xavier thought he has the Dark Phoenix under control, Jean Grey was snatched by the Shi’ar to stand trial for killing millions. The X-Men fought a duel with the Imperial Guard for Jean’s life. Professor X watched his students get defeated and ultimately Jean begged Colossus, Logan and Scott to kill her as the evil cosmic entity was about the consume her again. Jean sacrificed herself in the finale of the the reigning champ of X-Men epics and maybe of all comic book stories.

They will survive!

Terrigen is attacking mutants and war with the Inhumans seems imment but have faith fellow X-fans.

By Editor