Alex + Ada #9
Alex and Ada no more? A heartbreaking encounter send the Jonathan Luna/Sarah Vaugh sci-fi series in a new direction. Can she survive alone in a world where sentient androids are outlawed?

Death of Wolverine #3
Logan’s final adventure takes him back to Japan! Kitty Pryde joins her fellow X-Man to confront his ancient mentor turned enemy. Charles Soule and Steve McNiven keep us on a thrill ride with tons of guest stars from Logan’s past but who is behind the conspiracy and how will the X-Man face death in his last battle?
The Fade Out #2 A starlet’s death is just the beginning. Murder, conspiracies and cover-ups in old Hollywood. Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips deliver a new crime noir thriller from Image Comics.

Gotham Academy #1
School’s in session! Gotham City’s most prestigious prep school is also it’s strangest. Brand new heroines in a new series set a stately Wayne Manor by Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletch and Karl Kerschl
Thor #1
The Odinson is unworthy. A new Goddess of Thunder picks up the mystical hammer and just in time as Frost Giants attack Earth. Who is the mystery woman? What will happen to the Odinson? Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman begin a thunderous new chapter for a Marvel icon.
Uncanny Avengers #25
The final chapter before AXIS begins! Scarlet Witch, Rogue and Magneto are prisoners of the Red Skull who commits his cruelest atrocity yet. How will an epic showdown in this issue rock the entire Marvel Universe.
By Editor