Batman and Robin #40 Did Bruce defy heaven and hell to resurrect Damian only to lose control of him? Will the super powered Robin join the biggest League? How will Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason wrap up their epic run with Batman and son before Damian soars solo?
Guardians of the Galaxy #25 X-Men vs. Guardians as heroes and villain battle for control of the Black Vortex! What did the cosmic powered Beast set in motion? Black Vortex Chapter 7 by Brian Bendis and Valerio Schiti is here and the story continues in Nova and Legendary Star-Lord this week.
The Multiversity: Ultra Comics #1 With the Multiverse under assault, the penultimate chapter soars back to the DC homeworld you love. Final Crisis team Grant Morrison and Doug Mahnke reunite as the story goes back to Earth-33. A man-made savior may be all that can save the worlds.
Uncanny X-Men #32 Just as Havok embraces his estranged brother – is this the last stand of Scott Summers? After the time-twisting epic that saw the deaths of major heroes, is Cyclops ready to change his revolution? Can he be redeemed? It’s the penultimate chapter before Brian Bendis exits the X-Men.
The Wicked & The Divine #9 Ancient deities reincarnated as beloved rock gods. They’re loved, hated and the clock is ticking before they die again. Private audience time with Anake, judge of the Pantheon in the latest chapter of Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie’s supernatural rock fantasy.
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