Batman and Robin Volume 4: Requiem for Damian
The Dark Knight didn’t just lose Robin – he lost his son. How does Batman grieve? Bruce Wayne’s allies help him deal with the aftermath of Damian’s shocking murder. Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason are at the top of their game – especially in the near perfect issue 18 – one of our best of 2013.
Gotham by Midnight #1
Jim Corrigan is on the case in a new series investigating the strange supernatural underworld in Batman’s home.
Ray Fawkes (Constantine, Batman Eternal, Pandora: Trinity of Sin) and Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night) spin this new series out of the events of Batman Eternal as Corrigan aka The Spectre faces his dark destiny protecting Gotham from supernatural threats.

A Terrigen bomb triggers alien DNA in people across the world and Marvel’s strange new heroes are born. Black Bolt is presumed dead. Medusa attempts to protect her family, the NuHumans and fight off rival Inhuman tyrants. Charles Soule (She-Hulk, Death of Wolverine) mixes a thrilling hybrid of X-Men, Game of Thrones and sets the stage for the genetic outcasts of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Lazarus #13
Forever was bred to follow her father’s orders completely. What happens when she’s ordered to kill her traitorous brother? The game-changing Conclave continues as Earth’s ruling families gather to form new alliances and strike at mutual enemies.
Odyc #1
A sci-fi, psychedelic twist on The Odyssey by Matt Fraction (Sex Criminals, Casanova) and Christian Ward.
By Editor