Convergence #8 The final chapter! Survivors from across the Multiverse rally for an infinite crisis. Who will live through the cosmic battle leading to the one an only DC Comics reality?
Fight Club 2 #1 “The first rule about…” You know how it goes. Set ten years after Project Mayhem, Chuck Palahniuk teams up with Cameron Stewart and David Mack for the sequel.
Inferno #1 When demons ruled Manhattan, Magik was Darkchilde and Cyclops’s ex was the Goblin Queen! One of the X-Men’s strangest epics becomes a Secret Wars Battleworld with Colossus leading a mutant squad into this literal hell on earth in this tie-in by Dennis Hopeless.
Scarlett Couture #2 oo7 mixed with The Devil Wears Prada in a globe-trotting search for kidnapped supermodels. Scarlett is a fashion empire heiress and covert secret agent but her new mission could lead right to her own House of style.
The Valiant The Eternal Warrior, Bloodshot, Geomancer and heroes from across the Valiant Universe against The Immortal Enemy in a battle 10 million years in the making. The epic by Jeff Lemire, Matt Kindt and artist Paulo Rivera in this collected edition.
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