Arkham Manor #1
Gotham City’s most notorious criminals are moving in! When disaster strikes Arkham Asylum inmates are transported to stately Wayne Manor. Can Bruce keep sanity while hosting the craziest criminals and solving a bizarre murder mystery. A brand new Batman series by writer Gerry Duggan (Deadpool) and artist Shawn Crystal.
Avengers and X-Men: AXIS #3
It takes a united forces of evil to fight a greater evil! Magneto assembles a powerhouse union of Marvel’s greatest bad guys to take down the Red Onslaught but it will it be enough? Scarlet Witch is face to face with Doctor Doom! Will Wanda risk a dangerous alliance with Doom to save the Avengers and X-Men?
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #2
There’s no time for X-23 to mourn the man who is close to anyone at being her father. Laura is hunted by the new threat from the Weapon X program. Tim Seeley tells X-23’s role in this seven part follow up starring Wolverine’s greatest enemies.
The Multiversity: The Just #1
The superstar offspring of a parallel world’s greatest superheroes including…Donna Troy? Grant Morrison continues his adventures in the DC multiverse with aritst Ben Oliver (Action Comics) joining the odyssey on Earth 16. The superhero heirs are stalked by a killer but something bigger and deadlier is threatening the entire multiverse.
She-Hulk #9
Superhero showdown in court! It’s Jennifer Walters vs. Matt Murdock! The trial of the century brings back an enemy from Steve Rogers past! It’s Cap, Daredevil and my beloved Hellcat on the case.
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