Forever Evil #6 DC Comics, DON’T KILL NIGHTWING! Batman and Lex Luthor’s strange alliance of rogues takes the fight to the Crime Syndicate while a hero’s life is in the balance! It’s the penultimate issue by Geoff Johns and David Finch that promises the “final fate of Nightwing.”
Also this week: Forever Evil: Arkham War #6 is Bane vs. Scarecrow’s army for control of Gotham City by Peter Tomasi.
Magneto #1 The Master of Magnetism is doing things his way! Young mutants are under attack. S.H.I.E.L.D. has their own Sentinels. Erik has severed ties with Cyclops, refused Mystique’s alliance offer and gone solo in his fight to save mutantkind. Cullen Bunn (Deadpool) launches Magneto into his own new ongoing series.
Starlight #1 A brand new adventure from Mark Millar! A retired space hero who once saved the universe is now a lonely, lost soul until a signal from deep space calls him to one final epic adventure. This is the launch of Millarworld Universe! And don’t miss Jupiter’s Legacy #4 by Millar and Frank Quitely. The saga of new generation of super heroes who rather rule the world and not just protect it.
Veil #1 A girl wakes up with no memory. When a gang tried to assault her they wind up dead. A new horror mystery limited series from Greg Rucka (Lazarus) and Toni Fejzula from Dark Horse.

Wolverine and the X-Men #1 Deja Vu? Did we just pick the final issue of this series last week?! What happens after Graduation and without Logan? School is back in session with Storm and Fantomex teaching strange new students and facing a new enemy. Jason Latour and Mahmud Asrar takes us to back to the Jean Grey School.
By Editor