Amazing X-Men #1 Can Nightcrawler be saved from a fate worse than death?Wolverine, Storm, Beast, Iceman, Northstar and Firestar go on a quest to save the man who is the heart of soul of the X-Men. Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness team up for a brand new adventure that might take the mutants to hell and back!
Captain Marvel #17 It’s the Carol Corps issue! Kelly Sue DeConnick writes a salute to the devoted fans who keep the fan-favorite Avenger flying. If you’ve been to a comicon in the past year you can’t help by feel the passion of the Carol Corps cosplayers and fans. It’s not just a comic book it’s a movement – see and feel what it’s about.
Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #10 It’s the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones in old school Hollywood. When a film crew starts disappearing could it be connected to the abductions that have plagued every Time Lord in this yearlong adventure starring every Doctor.
Fatale #18 Love, curses and rock and roll. The epic supernatural horror noir series hits the Seattle grunge rock era. The heroine’s appearance in a music video unleashes dangerous desires.

Forever Evil #3 Lex Luthor to the rescue? The Crime Syndicate tightens its grip on Earth while Superman’s greatest enemy plots to take them down. Geoff Johns and David Finch continue to prove DC’s bad guys rules as the epic villain vs. villain maxi-series rocks the DC Universe. Don’t miss Luthor in Superman Unchained #4 this week too.
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