All-New X-Men #17 Battle of the Atom rages on but Magik takes a time out…literally. If Illyana, young Hank and Bobby are meeting the real future X-Men then who are those mutants in our present? What did young Jean Grey see from her future self to make her surrender?
Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #9 The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler star in the latest chapter in the year long mystery of the kidnapped companions! Is Rose the next target? The Time Lord’s mystery villain reveals itself.
Forever Evil #2 The Justice League is dead. Nightwing exposed in cruel demonstration of the Crime Syndicate’s power. In part two a rookie group of heroes makes a desperate move to stop the evil versions of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman. More villains unite into an all-powerful Secret Society to tighten their grip on the planet. Is the Earth’s only hope…Lex Luthor?
Lazarus #4 A harsh future world in which a few rival families ruthlessly hold control. Forever is her family’s “Lazarus” a ruthless enforcer and killer. But the real enemy is closer than anyone expects as Greg Rucka and Michael bring the first arc comes to a brutal conclusion.
The Star Wars #2 The original vision of George Lucas finally revealed! Only General Luke Skywalker sees the new threat from the Empire and young Jedi trainee Annikin Starkiller is sent on a mission to save a Princess.
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