All-New X-Men #18 Defections, departures and defeats. The mutants are shaken by the Battle of the Atom. The young X-Men make a radical shift. Kitty Pryde makes a big move. Brandon Peterson joins Brian Michael Bendis for a new beginning for the original X-Men.
Superman/Wonder Woman #2 Clark and Diana’s romantic getaway turns into a nail-biting rescue and then…Doomsday! Diana turns to a God to stop the maniacal monster of Krypton but the Pantheon of Immortals is dead set against her relationship with Kal-El! Talk about possible in-laws from hell! Charles Soule and Tony Daniel blew me away with the premiere! Do NOT think this is just a super romance book!
Doctor Who Prisoners of Time #11 The Eleventh Doctor comes face to face with the mystery villain behind the abductions of the Time Lord’s devoted companions. The year long anniversary adventure starring every Time Lord reaches a climax! Who is the real enemy? Can the Matt Smith Doctor save the companions?

Unity #1 Valiant’s first supergroup book! When X-O Manowar goes too far Toyo Harada recruits a ruthless squad (Ninjak, Livewire, the Eternal Warrior) to take him down. Matt Kindt and Doug Braithwaite team up to launch the first team book.
X-Men Gold #1 An all-star roster of comic book legends create new tales of the mutants to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the X-Men including a new story by Chris Claremont and Bob McLeod.
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