Black Science #1 A brand new sci-fi epic by Rick Remender (Uncanny Avengers) and Matteo Scalera. A scientist achieves his greatest dream and it’s a reality warping nightmare. Can his team of living ghosts find their way home.
Damian: Son of Batman #2 What if Bruce Wayne’s son lived? Back to the future world of Batman #666 – where Damian’s greatest enemies may be his mother and grandfather.
Infinity #6 The Avengers saved the Universe but can they free Earth from the grip of Thanos? Earth’s Mightiest Heroes vs. The Mad God of Titan and his Black Order! Artist Jim Cheung joins Jonathan Hickman for the mega-sized finale to one of the greatest Marvel epics ever.

Pretty Deadly #2 Death’s daughter rides a path of vengeance in a supernatural tale of gunfighters in a weird wild west from the minds of Kelly Sue DeConnick and Emma Rios.
Uncanny Avengers #14 Scarlet Witch vs. Rogue! Wolverine’s son and the Grim Reaper get their revenge! Acclaimed artist Steve McNiven joins Rick Remender as Avengers fall to stop the Apocalypse Twins.
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