Top 5 Comic Book Picks for July 3, 2013

Avengers AI #1 courtesy Marvel
Avengers AI #1 courtesy Marvel

Avengers AI #1 Hank Pym prevented the Age of Ultron but did he unleash a whole new set of horrors! The founding Avenger assembles a new team of heroes including Vision, Victor Mancha from Runaways and new mystery characters on his road to redemption.


Batman Incorporated #12 Will Bruce get his revenge? Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham are sure to deliver another bloody, brutal chapter in the final war between Batman and Talia!


Deadpool Kills Deadpool #1 The finale of Cullen Bunn’s Deadpool Killogy! The Merc With a Mouth targets…himself?!


Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1 courtesy DC Comics
Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1 courtesy DC Comics

Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1 This mystery woman is connected to the creation of The New 52 and the upcoming Trinity War! Is Pandora here to save or destroy the DC Universe? We do know she’s “going to kill and kill and kill.”


What If? AvX #1 A whole new twist on Avengers vs. X-Men! Who is possessed by the Phoenix Force and how does it change the Marvel Universe? Jimmy Palmiotti and Jorge Molina bring back the classic concept with inspiration from last year’s controversial smash mega-series!


What’s on your pull list this week?

By Editor