Amazing X-Men #2 Nightcrawler is trapped in a bizarre afterlife with Azazel on the attack. In an effort to bring back the Fuzzy Elf, Wolverine and Northstar are now lost in “Heaven” with a nastier version of Bamfs on the attack!
Velvet #2 The deadliest superspy leaves her desk job after an army of agents are taken out. Now Velvet is on the run from her own agency! Espionage comics as only Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting (the team behind Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
Batman/Superman #6 Mongul invades The New 52! The alien overlord wants Earth. Only the Man of Steel and Dark Knight can stop him. Will this mean a trip to WarWorld?
The Star Wars #4 Annikin and Leia on the run with two droids, an army of Imperial troops after General Skywalker and Darth Vader’s secret weapon! The classic sci-fi epic as you’ve never seen if before!
Marvel Knights: X-Men #2 Logan, Rogue and Kitty in a backwoods murder mystery tracking down young mutants amid small town . The first issue reminded me of God Loves, Man Kills with a twist I didn’t see coming. Can the X-Men save a young girl from her own powers and the super-villain hunting her now.
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