Age of Ultron #6 The Avengers greatest enemy conquered the Marvel Universe from the future!? Captain America leads a bruised and battered team on a mission to stop the android while Wolverine goes rogue on what could be the most controversial story twist of the year!
Bloodshot #10 The former Harbinger hunter seeks redemption as Harbinger Wars continues. Can Bloodshot save the young fugitives of Project Rising Spirit or will he have to take them out?
Daredevil #25 Mark Waid’s acclaimed run on the Man Without Fear has been building to this! The mystery villain plays his trump card! Will Foggy Nelson survive the latest move?
Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #4 Grab some jelly babies and throw on your extra long scar and hat! The Fourth Doctor (and my first Doctor) takes the spotlight in this year long story celebrating the Time Lord’s Anniversary. Which enemies from the fan-favorite Tom Baker era will pop up in this chapter?
Justice League #19 Superman falls! Who used Kryptonite to take out the Man of Steel? Can his teammates save him? Plus, what new heroes will join the League?
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