AvX Vs. #5 One of Marvel’s most iconic power couples is shattered. See the extended battle that led to the breakup of Storm and the Black Panther. Plus, Hawkeye takes aim at Angel. Two huge fights from the Avengers vs. X-Men mega series in this “all fights” series.
Captain Marvel #3 Carol is trapped in World War II with a team of female pilots under siege. Is this time twisting part of a NASA experiment gone wrong?
Justice League #12 Superman and Wonder Woman in love! Have you seen the super kiss? There’s more to romance in this action packed issue as the heroes are tested while fighting their new foe.

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who Assimilation2 #3 The Borg and Cybermen are attacking the Federation. Why an alliance of the Time Lord and Captain Picard may be more dangerous than the CyberBorg. What will Guinan reveal to the Doctor?
Winter Soldier #9 Marvel’s hottest superspies and lovers turned against each other. Black Widow’s tragic past has taken hold of her. Can Bucky save her?
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