The X-Men’s Sinister Showdown

Uncanny X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

  A sinister showdown in Uncanny X-Men #17 taking place before the shattering of the Phoenix Five in the main AvX series. Gillen orchestrates unexpected action and sharp humor in a last stand between the X-Men and Mister Sinister.

  Psylocke is the breakout star of his issue. From her psychic manipulation of Sinister’s army to her intimate bonding with Danger to infiltrate the stronghold to her declarations “I’m a bloody ninja!”

Psylocke has become the female Wolverine! She’s in every freakin’ X-book but when she’s written this good (Rick Remender and Brian Wood equally rock Betsy) I can enjoy her overexposure.

  Kieron Gillen does a fantastic job wrapping a two-year storyline amid a major crossover. I wish Carlos Pacheco could have rejoined him as this title ends. Gillen breathed new life into a tired old villain and Sinister manages to do to the Phoenix Five in this issue what Avengers’ biggest brains wish they could do.

Uncanny X-Men #9 interior art of UNIT courtesy Marvel

  This looks like the end of Sinister and his own twisted version of London but I hope it’s just the beginning for Unit. I think he’s the X-Men’s version of Ultron. I already pleaded on Twitter for Gillen to pit Tony Stark against the metallic manipulator on his upcoming Iron Man run. Please? I just hope Marvel doesn’t let this brilliant and scary creation fade away.

By Editor