The most terrifying, edge of your seat sci-fi horror movie in years…is at your local comic book shop!
The Wake #4 just arrived and it’s the most intense chapter of Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy’s gripping thriller yet.
Scientists are called to a covert underwater oil rig to investigate an ancient life form. Mermaid from hell? Creature from the Black Lagoon on acid?
What’s more dangerous than one of these ravenous mer-monsters on the loose in a sinking underwater rig?
A whole legion of them.
Heroine Lee Archer and the survivors fight it out against a relentless army of these scaly, smart zombies.
Murphy’s savage art matches the intensity of the monstrous marauders and feeling of the dark deadly ocean crashing in on the humans as they’re snatched by teeth and tides.
Snyder is telling a horrific thrill that’s smart scary. just when the humans score a victory for you cheer for he unveils an a huge “oh —-!” cliffhanger at you. This is the stuff of cinema nightmares that Guillermo del Toro should be directing!
By Editor