Brian Wood and Olivier Coipel launch a brand new X-Men #1 this week with an all female team – including a vampire!
Jubilee was transformed into a vampire in Curse of the Mutants and joined a cabal of fellow undead trying to control their blood lust. The fireworks generating mutant turned vampire will back with the Children of the Atom as this series begins. Brian Wood told a fan on Comic Book Resources X-Position how he will approach the mutated Jubilee.
“I’ll be the first to admit I struggled with the fact that I would be writing a vampire Jubilee — I was hoping to be able to write the “classic” one but it was not in the cards. But we, my editor Jeanine [Schaefer] and I, figured the way to go is to just treat the vampire stuff the same way we would a mutant ability. So she is not “Vampire Jubilee” any more than we would think “Eye Beam Scott” or “Metal Bones Logan” as their primary defining trait as a person. So Jubilee is Jubilee all day long, and her skills will come from her vampire traits.

As far as the immortal stuff, man, just you wait. ‘Til, like, issue 6 or 7, not long.”
Jubilee and the all-female X-Men will face the return of a Sublime and a new villain so powerful…the sentient bacteria asks the mutants for help!
By Editor