The “Other” Avengers vs. X-Men Death

Wolverine and the X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

  Lights appeared all over the world as a result of the events in Avengers vs. X-Men #12. This week a light went out in Wolverine and the X-Men #18. The death of an icon earlier in the series deserved all the media attention and fan frenzy it received. I want to take a moment to remember the young mutant who was brutally killed this week. This death was more heartbreaking and had more of an impact on me. It hurt to see that final panel.

 This week’s issue shows life for the students and staff of the Jean Grey School as they wait for the outcome of the final battle with Dark Phoenix Cyclops. Jason Aaron and Jorge Molina are pitch perfect with action scenes, humor, teen drama at the school dance – with Lockheed as dj – and kids’ reaction to that final moment of AvX.

 Aaron brings several storylines at the school to a head amid the impact of the AvX event. You feel importance of AvX in this issue. You can sense the kids’ fear and hope over the outcome and their future. It’s been a year of thrills, laughs, friendships built and tested. Then Jason Aaron delivered a sucker punch to the gut with a shocking death that hurt but will propel the series and kids forward.

By Editor

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