Supportive and sensitive ex-boyfriend. Teacher. Gambit?
James Asmus shows us that the Cajun mutant hasn’t been fully domesticated yet in a brand new series out this week. Remy LeBeau ditches the purple tights for a walk on the wrong side of the law in Gambit #1. It’s good to welcome the scoundrel back to his thieving ways.
Remy decides he needs a detour from life at the Jean Grey School and finds a way to steal from the rich and infamous. Our anti-hero suits up (like he’s styled by GQ) for a charity event and shows he still knows how to work a room and case a joint no matter how big and swanky it is. Gambit is the wolf in sheep’s clothing and Sitch is an arms dealer posing as a benevolent socialite. It’s great fun to see Remy charm and scheme his way into Sitch’s secret stash but the prize comes back to bite him…literally.
Writer James Asmus and artist Clay Mann takes us on thrilling ride. The story is cinematic with scenes worthy of a James Bond or Mission Impossible movie. Asmus gives us the old Gambit we’ve been missing and captures the spirit without overdoing the Cajun sayings. Remy may be from New Orleans but he’s a world-class thief and it’s a joy to see him back doing what he does best.
I kept thinking of how Remy looks like a buffer, built Matt Smith (the current Doctor Who.) I enjoyed Clay Mann’s art on X-Men Legacy and he’s evolved to more of a painted style. I like what Mann, (Seth) Mann and (Rachelle)Rosenberg are attempting to create in Gambit’s world away from the X-Men.
A new villain with nasty connections to the entire Marvel underworld, a mystery woman with tattoos (she reminds of girl who used to work at my local comic book shop) and Remy left in a painful cliffhanger make me want to come back for more. This first issue’s heist story may be familiar but it’s a great way to reintroduce the charming thief we love and hopefully thrust him into dangerous new territory and stories.
By Editor
Nope. Non. Nein. Nyet. As my 4 younger sisters say “Skunk-Head” gets no love from me or mine. I myself am a proud hater for over 25 years, our hatred for “Skunk-Head” is legendary in our familial and social circles. Gambit will always be one of our favourite Marvel U characters so any book where the writer gives him the respect he’s been missing for ages gets all our support. Issue #2 was way better than the first, looking forward to finding out who the tattooed hottie is and already loving Fence. My sisters, cousins,boyfriend and I along with the other Gambit fans in our social circles will continue to support this book: it’s the only Marvel title that we’re looking forward to buying in the near future actually.
I enjoyed issue #2 also. I like his new femme fatale!
Thrilled that the real Gambit is back! LOVED this issue and will continue to buy 5 copies of each and every single one in the future. I really hope that if the hypoc^nt known as Rogue really does show up as James Asmus has stated IT will in a future arc {shudders}that Remy doesn’t kowtow to that thing, the X-men are not lily-white saints so I don’t see why Gambit is held to a different standard than the rest of them when they have unrepentant mass-murdering mad old terrorist tw@ts *cough* Magneto *cough*, psychopaths *Frenzy*, and bloodthirsty murderers *cough* Wolverine *cough* in their ranks amongst others.
Thanks for the comment and support of Remy! Gambit #2 is out this week! No love for Rogue though?
Picked up this issue today. The character Gambit will always have a special place in my heart because it was one of his first solo outtings in the mid ’90s that brought me back into comics again.
I really liked the story – I’m curious to see where this will go.