The Odinson is back. As part of Marvel’s Fresh Start, Thor Odinson returns to the Avengers and headlines his own series.

Marvel announced a new THOR #1, written by Jason Aaron with art by Mike Del Mundo and a new mission for the God of Thunder. It’s the next evolution of the writer’s journey with the Asgardian. This marks a reunion for Aaron and Del Mundo after WEIRDWORLD.
Earlier the publisher revealed an Odinson with a golden arm, golden hammer as part of a new AVENGERS by Aaron and Ed McGuinness.
Here’s more of the official description of the new era:
The artifacts of Asgard have been scattered across the Earth, and to reclaim them, Thor will have to face some ugly truths…Like the production cost of hundreds of new hammers! And he’ll need every last one of them if he’s going to stop the unstoppable when none other than the Juggernaut joins the fray.
Aaron’s run began with THOR GOD OF THUNDER, then THE MIGHTY THOR starring Jane Foster and now the Odinson will return in the aftermath of ‘Death of the Mighty Thor’ arc in MIGHTY THOR.
THOR #1 arrives June 13.
By Editor