The Joker is one twisted, sick freak but Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo are taking the arch villain into new depths of depravity, madness and cruelty in Death of the Family. In the first two chapters the Joker revealed his plan to Batman and now Snyder is teasing what’s ahead in the crossover but first…

The Joker has kidnapped Alfred and claims to know the identities of Batman and his allies. What’s more terrifying? The Joker will kill Batman’s friends and allies. I wanted to share some key highlights of what Scott Snyder told Comics Newsarama was coming up next in the Joker’s insane plan and his declaration that he knows all the secret identities of his allies.
“For us, that’s part of the driving horror and mystery of the story. They were afraid that this is the claim that the Joker is going to make, and now he made it. He’s saying, “I know everything about you. I’ve been in your house. I’ve been under your bed. I’ve been in your closet. There’s nothing that I can’t kill in your life or hurt to break you.” And it’s sort of your worst nightmare.
If that’s true, and what he says is true that Bruce essentially is at fault for that somehow, that’s going to drive the conflict. The question of whether or not what he’s saying is true all around is part of the driving conflict, or is the driving conflict of the story, when it comes to the family and Bruce.
So Joker is playing a game with them, where he’s saying, “I know it, and wait until you see how much I know.” He’s saying, “Wait until you see. I’m going to prove it to you. But I’m not just going to come out and say your names, because that would be too easy. I’m going to show you little by little that I have irrefutable evidence that I know exactly who you are.
And as that evidence mounts, the tension really ratchets up between the family and Bruce. What Joker said in #14 is that it’s Batman’s fault, because he wants this to be the way it is. He wants me to come after you deep down.”

The Joker declared that it’s Bruce Wayne that will kill his friends and allies. Snyder teases the final chapters of the crossover:
“So the stuff coming up in #15 is the aftermath emotionally and what happens between the Bat-family.
And issue #15 has a really big secret, also, that’s going to come out.
Issue #16 and #17 are just completely bat-sh!t crazy, in terms of what he has planned for them, in terms of the psychological, emotional and physical horror of the story.
And I would just say that The Joker has already said that he’s planning something of a celebration at some point. So I can promise you that it’s going to be the craziest, most twisted thing we could possibly do in this book.
So I’m really excited. I just finished it, actually. I just finished #17. It has my favorite ending that I’ve ever done. So I’m really, really excited about it.
And I promise you that the best stuff is still coming in this story.”
Batman #14 became nearly uncomfortable as you imagined how the Joker was torturing Alfred. Bruce could only listen. Snyder and Capullo are creating a horrific masterpiece!
For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.
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