THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER Comic Connections & What’s Next

I’m still catching my breath from THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER. This new adventure in the Marvel Comics Universe continued the Captain America legacy, brought more of Marvel’s rich history to the screen and will blaze new trails in the MCU. Set after the events of AVENGERS: ENDGAME, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes reunite when a new threat emerges and the symbol of their friend becomes a political pawn.

I waited until the full series is completed to dive in to who, what and what next but consider this a SPOILER ALERT if you have not watched yet. Time to debrief, dissect the comic book connections and giddily think about what could happen next for Sam, Bucky and the MCU.


Sam Wilson finally embraced the role Steve gave him. After seeing the symbol and shield used as a pawn, Sam not only seized the Captain America name and shield, he gave the post-Blip world hope, held the powerful accountable and made us all think.

No serum. No problem. The new Captain wields the shield and soars with wings. In the comics Sam led the Avengers and recruited a sidekick (see below) but ultimately gave the shield back to Steve Rogers (who had been de-aged then returned to normal.)

With reports of a CAPTAIN AMERICA 4 in the works, we could see Anthony Mackie in the title leading role as Cap and hopefully an upcoming AVENGERS 5.


I was a huge fan of Bucky as Captain America in comics. Barnes stepped in when everyone thought Steve was dead. Upon Steve’s rescue, Bucky faked his death to become the Winter Soldier again on a secret mission for Nick Fury. As much as I loved the comics run, I like seeing Bucky reformed and happy as himself – no code-name required.

In the series we learned Bucky was healed physically and mentally in Wakanda. He’s been on a mission of a different kind – trying to write the wrongs he committed as the Winter Soldier.

Is there more of his story as the White Wolf and time in Wakanda to be revealed? Barnes could turn up in BLACK PANTHER 2 to aide the allies who gave him refuge and healed his body and mind. Readers know Bucky will do what’s needed of his friends even if it means he has to play the Winter Soldier role again.


Joaqin Torres is the military officer working on Sam’s missions on the show. In the comics Torres gets his wings – literally- and earns the code-name Falcon. Torres is the subject of experiments that mutate him into a Falcon/human hybrid. When Sam officially accepts the role of Captain America, Torres becomes his new sidekick in the role of Falcon. Torres later joins the group of young heroes known as the Champions.


John Walker matches his comic book counterpart. Walker first appeared as a villain Super-Patriot. When Steve Rogers quit, Walker becomes Captain America. Walker would later take the code-name U.S. Agent and wear the black costume he sported in the finale. The big question: is John poised to become a hero or a pawn? Guess that depends on the real motivation of his new handler, The Contessa!


This could be the biggest casting shock of the MCU. After being discharged from his Captain America role, John Walker is approached by a mystery woman in black. As the woman enters the scene I was scratching my head at who the character could be and as for the actress I was suddenly thinking, is that who I think it is?

Julia Louis-Dreyfus who I LOVE in everything she’s ever done – has joined the MCU as a classic comic icon.

Who is Contessa Valentine Allegra de La Fontaine? In comics the Contessa was an Italian jet setter recruited to S.H.I.E.L.D. after her parents were killed. Valentina found purpose in life to honor her parents. The Contessa becomes Nick Fury’s love interest and a legendary agent. Valentina later becomes a major leader of S.H.I.E.L.D. and at one point took over HYDRA as Madame Hydra. If you want to dive into more of this classic character check out NICK FURY, AGENT OF S.H..I..E.L.D. by the legendary Jim Steranko and for the modern Contessa, SECRET WARRIORS by  Jonathan Hickman.


Who knew a sinister villain could inspire a dance sensation and demand for a Zemo Cut?

Helmut Zemo is the mastermind behind the events of CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR. In the film Zemo is a military officer from Sokovia. Zemo’s family was killed as The Avengers battled Ultron in the war-torn European nation. Zemo uncovered secrets of the Winter Soldier program to exact vengeance on the Avengers.

Bucky and Sam use Zemo to track the scientist who cracked the super soldier serum formula and stop the Flag Smashers. In this new series Zemo is closer to his comic book counterpart from his mask and gear to his wealth and Baron title. Going undercover with Bucky and Sam, Zemo’s moves on the dance floor in a bar of bad guys inspired a social media movement.

You could say Zemo is the biggest winner among the MCU villains. He accomplished his goal in CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR and in this series. Is Zemo content to remain in The Vault?

In the comics Zemo is a primary Hydra leader before forming the super villain super group The Masters of Evil and later the Thunderbolts – more on that below – it requires a major spoiler.


Back when the world thought the Avengers vanished saving the world, the Thunderbolts emerged to step in the heroic spotlight until the final page. Citizen V – the leader of these heroes turned out to be Baron Zemo. The Hydra leader assembled a crew of villains masquerading as heroes with a hidden agenda. The Thunderbolts later evolved into a team of villains forced to work for a shadowy government organization.


Is the Contessa assembling a team of Dark Avengers with US Agent as team leader? In the comics Spider-Man villain Norman Osborn schemed his way in legitimate government halls of power running the Thunderbolts. Osborn was even given the keys to the kingdom. Osborn turned S.H.I.E.L.D. into H.A.M.M.E.R. and recruited his own Dark Avengers. Osborn wore the Iron Patriot armor. Venom played Spider-Man. Moonstone played Ms. Marvel. Wolverine’s son Daken masqueraded as Logan. Bullseye assumed the role of Hawkeye. Osborn even had his own Dark X-Men.

The Contessa or Sharon (or are they working together?) could seize the role of government insider launching a team of villains in disguise for their own agenda. A perfect conspiracy for the new Captain America to battle in a future film or series.


Madripoor – just the name generates excitement of what could be! Zemo, Bucky and Sam head to the nation of Madripoor for underworld connections to the scientist and new super soldier serum. Sharon Carter aka Agent 13 is also based there now that she’s an outlaw. This island is so much more to Marvel, especially X-Men fans.

Madripoor is an island nation in South East Asia that’s been a longtime haven for pirates with a capital divided into Hightown of modern towers of the super rich and Lowtown, a base of crime, smuggling and dangerous bars. Did you briefly see the heroes go past a sign for the Princess Bar? It’s owned ? by none other than Logan aka Wolverine of the X-Men?

When Marvel launched a Wolverine solo series, writer Chris Claremont set the action in this island nation and gave Logan the code-name Patch. It’s a solid bet we’ll be visting the infamous Madripoor again on Disney+ or in a future film.


Really Sharon, what would Aunt Peggy think?

When Sam, Bucky and Zemo’s mission leads to Madripoor they are saved by Sharon Carter. The former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent became an outlaw after the events of CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR.  Cut off from her family, friends and career, Sharon carved a new life as an art dealer (and more) as an expat in Madripoor.

Through the series we were given hints of who The Power Broker could be. SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!

Turns out Sharon was the master manipulator tied to the Flag Smashers, hired Batroc and was dealing in more than art! Sharon is given a full pardon, welcome back to America and her role in government. Sharon is not forgiving and forgetting. She’s a kid in a candy store already working on stealing government secrets, weapons and tech for her criminal clients. Is she working with or against the Contessa?

Has Sharon really gone full rogue? In the comics Sharon is a dedicated hero aka Agent 13 and longtime love and ally of Steve. Could it be Sharon is playing the role of triple agent? Is she a mole in the post-blip criminal underworld or has her time in exile really turned her bad? With SECRET INVASION on the horizon, could Sharon be a Skrull imposter?


Bucky and Sam meet Isiah Bradley – the man who could have been Captain America. In the comic TRUTH: RED, WHITE AND BLACK introduced Isiah, the only survivor of a program in which scientists experience on black men to try and recreate the Super Soldier program. Isiah served his country only to be betrayed, thrown in prison and forced to lve in hiding.

Sam made sure Bradley’s heroic legacy would not be forgotten. Does it run in the familyl? In the comics Isiah’s grandson Eli became a founding member of the Young Avengers as Patriot to honor his legendary grandfather. With Eli’s introduction we’ve now met four members (Eli, Cassie Lang, The Scarlet Witch twins) of what could be the team Kate Bishop coming later this year in the HAWKEYE series.


In the comics Flag Smasher was one man. On screen it’s a movement. Karl Morgenthau became the costumed, caped super villain the Flag Smasher. After his father’s death, Morgenthau became a costumed terrorist. On screen Karli Morgenthau leads a similar movement against the concept of separate nations and nationalism. Karli’s Flag Smashers movement emerges in the aftermath of the “blip” and the events of AVENGERS: ENDGAME as millions of people re-appear after being gone for five years.

Karli and some of her most devoted followers inject themselves with a recreated version of the Super-Soldier serum. The leaders may be gone but their movement is far from extinguished.

THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER was a pitch perfect bookend to the previous phases of the MCU and sets the stage for an exciting new phase with a new CAP.

By Editor