The End of X-FACTOR

X-Factor #262 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #262 courtesy Marvel

The End of X-Factor is almost here. The long-running series Peter David has written for more than a decade is coming to an end. It’s a time to look back at the innovative series and ahead to see the possible futures of the team members.


Back in the early 90’s there was Mutant Genesis (when Chris Claremont and Jim Lee launched the first X-Men #1) the original X-Men left their series, X-Factor, to join the two new X-Men teams/books. After diving up the popular characters into the two X-Men books, Excalibur and X-Force Marvel still had a title called X-Factor.

I’d loved Peter David’s writing on Incredible Hulk but his team roster for X-Factor just felt odd and like leftover characters who didn’t get picked for the cool teams.


X-Factor Visionaries Peter David Volume #1 courtesy Amazon

Peter David proved me wrong.


Havok, Polaris, Wolfbane, Madrox, Quicksilver and Guido (aka Strong Guy) became the U.S. government’s mutant team and under the guidance of David, a wonderful era of mutant tales began. Larry Stroman and future Marvel Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada were among the artists of David’s first run with the title. That was 1991-93 and David left after 20 amazing issues.


But you can go home again…even if that house has mutated.


X-Factor: The Longest Night courtesy Marvel

After a successful Madrox limited series in 2004 a new X-Factor book was reborn in 2005 (in the wake of Decimation) with (now private eye) Jamie Madrox the Multiple Man opening up X-Factor Investigations.


Siryn, Monet, Strong Guy, Wolfsbane, Shatterstar, Rictor, Layla Miller and later Longshot, Pip the Troll and finally Havok & Polaris worked for the mutant detective agency over the years.


Over the past six issues in The End of X-Factor Peter David has crafted chapters focusing on one or two members of the team. This week X-Factor #262 is the final issue and I look forward to seeing how he will write Jamie Madrox’s final moments.


Peter David already had a project at Marvel but no word on what it could be. Longshot will star in his own mini-series Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe. Rictor and Shatterstar’s romance won acclaim and GLAAD Media Award nominations so maybe there’s room at the Jean Grey School for new teachers. I’d love to see Monet, Banshee, Wolfsbane turn up in one of the Marvel’s all-female rosters of X-Men or Fearless Defenders.

X-Factor #42 courtesy Marvel


As for the star, Jamie Madrox? Peter David took a D-list supporting player and made him a compelling, funny, heroic and sometimes tragic leading man. I’d like to think David will find a new way and new book to continue telling Jamie and Layla’s story.


What do you want to see next from Peter David and the members of X-Factor?

By Editor



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