The End of X-Factor. begins this week with X-Factor #257. Why and how is Peter David preparing to end the long-running series he’s written on and off for nearly a decade?
“It just seemed the right time. ‘The Hell on Earth War’ was so huge that it was as if everything I’d been doing had led up to it. When you’ve reached a dramatic natural climax, that’s the place to stop.”
“It will be a series of one-issue stories each focusing on one or two characters, trying to give each of them a decent conclusion,” says David.

The final issues will be devoted to specific characters “#257 focuses on Layla Miller, #258 focuses on Rahne. Rictor and Shatterstar are #259. Polaris is in #260” David tells Marvel.com.
Where do you want the members of X-Factor to turn up now that the series is ending? Here are my X-Factor X-pectations for these mutant detectives.
Keep scrolling for more preview art from X-Factor #257 by Neil Edwards.

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