The current run of the The Defenders will come to an end with issue 12. Matt Fraction united Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Red She-Hulk, Silver Surfer and Namor on missions against supernatural threats. Fraction is leaving to write the Fantastic Four and FF in the Marvel Now.
Fraction tells Marvel.com that Betty Ross was the character that surprised him the most and “fell in love with writing her immediately”
“The whole experience was so unlike any other I’ve had at Marvel, and I got to work with so many amazing artists; the whole thing was a joy. Bittersweet at best, as they say.
And yeah; we were only just getting started. I didn’t touch on a tenth of what I had planned for that book, for the places it would go, for the characters we were going to meet. Oh well. Next time, next time,” he adds.

For more preview art of the final issue here’s the Marvel.com link. The Defenders #12 arrives in November. Never fear! Given this team’s history expect to non-team to reteam again – I just hope it’s as much fun as this run has been!

By Editor