That’s Some $2.16 Million Dollar Action!

Action Comics #1

  A near mint issue featuring the first appearance of Superman soared to a new auction record tonight. The copy of Action Comics #1 sold tonight for $2.16 million.       This issue was stolen from Nicolas Cage’s home. He was insured. This 1938 issue is graded at 9.0. The previous auction record was $1.5 million for an 8.5 grade issue of the same issue. About 100 copies of this famous issue are out there.

  Thanks to Robot 6 for tonight’s news update. I don’t have any issues that old but oh how I wish I’d taken better care of my 80’s X-Men, Hulk and Avengers issues!


Stolen Comic Book Merchandise? Does the present seller know that he’s selling stolen property? This is a new one. I’d be pissed if I were Nicolas.

Will Power

It’s a real twisted tale. Luckily Cage had the issue insured so he got money but if you pay that much for a comic book it’s not about the money.