Paul Cornell and Alan Davis launch a brand new Wolverine #1 this week meaning new ways to punish the fan favorite hero.
Logan has been burned down to his skeleton, ripped apart and mutilated over and over in the past. The X-Man’s mutant healing factor has inspired writers to dream up some bizarre acts of violence. I wanted so share some of Cornell’s Marvel.com interview in which the writer aims to make the un-killable hero “vulnerable in other ways: human ways, emotional ways.”
As I said before Wolverine has been put through the ringer because of his healing factor but Cornell says not to expect that on his watch.
“I think that’s one of the aims of my run, to not lean on that too heavily. I want to back off from “let’s dissolve him and see what happens.” It seems to be the default, and I don’t trust the urge to go for it. Because this run sees Wolverine making some changes in his life, trying to turn a corner, I’ve had him come up with a couple of new uses for his powers, but they’re not about pushing the healing factor as far as it’ll go.”

The premiere arc is called Hunting Season and Cornell explains how he’ll focus on Logan’s hyperkeen senses and animal nature.
“It’s because he’s chasing something in the first four issues, and the “season” part indicates this is about time and major change. Future arcs will indeed look at him from various different angles. We’re aiming for lots of short, action-packed bursts that add up to something larger in terms of character.”
For more of Cornell’s interview here’s the Marvel.com link.
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