DAREDEVIL Dream Casting


Daredevil #117 courtesy Marvel
Daredevil #117 courtesy Marvel

With the movie rights to Daredevil back at Marvel Disney I revisited my dream cast for a Daredevil film!

Ryan Gosling as Matt Murdock/Daredevil – Gosling would be perfect as the public defender from New York’s most brutal streets who fights crime by night as the masked vigilante.

Vin Diesel as Kingpin – smooth, cool and oozing menace in a sharp suit and when the finally unleashes his raw power in a fight – watch out!

Zachary Quinto as Bullseye – after 2 seasons of American Horror Story and his explosive moments when Spock lets his emotions loose in Star Trek proves Continue reading DAREDEVIL Dream Casting

Star Trek Set Photo – Update

  My geek heart soared at warp speed to the Delta Quadrant and back when I saw this photo! Filming on the Star Trek sequel is underway.The first set photo of the cast and crew on the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise by Robert Orci. Thanks to Comic Book Movie and they’re sharp-eyed team for spotting it on Twitter. Now just please give us a hint on the villain!!! Klingons please.

 Now excitment is fizzling – some friends tell me this is actually a photo from 2009 before the first film – I’ll check more. Sigh – I still hold my plea for Klingons in ST2!