Amateurs in the Marvel Now

courtesy Marvel

Comic book pros Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie will be dealing with Amateurs in the Marvel Now. Marvel is teasing this new team’s book is coming out in January 2013 but what will it be?

Gillen is leaving Journey Into Mystery which starred Kid Loki but Lady Sif will take over the lead character when writer Kathryn Immonen takes over the book. There’s no word on a book starring the Young Avengers yet either.

courtesy Marvel

  Gillen and McKelvie were the creative team on this Point One teaser showing Kid Loki getting smacked by Miss America Chavez from Joe Casey’s Vengeance series. This anthology comes out later this month.

  Kang the Conqueror (as Iron Lad) played a critical role in the creation of the Young Avengers. It would be an interesting parallel to have Kid Loki be a factor in the rebirth of the team. I loved Gillen’s work on Generation Hope and would definitely enjoy his take on the younger generation of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

By Editor


Fantastic Four Payback

FF #1 courtesy Marvel

  Matt Fraction is sending the Fantastic Four into space and forming a new FF to hold down the fort here on Earth in the Marvel NOW relaunch. One member is planning some serious payback against Doctor Doom but it’s not who you think.

  Scott Lang aka Ant-Man (along with Medusa, She-Hulk and She-Thing) are the new FF lineup. Fraction tells Comics Newsarama he’ll follow through on a tragic moment from Avengers: The Children Crusade.








FF #1 courtesy Marvel

 “Doom killed Scott’s daughter. There’s no other way to put it, there’s no other way to phrase it, there’s no skirting around the issue. Because of his actions, Doctor Doom killed Cassie Lang. What this book is going to be about is Scott and his replacement Four, and the Future Foundation, aiming their resources right at Doctor Doom. The premise he presents to the Future Foundation is “End Doom.” And not just kill him, but eliminate him from human memory. That would be worse for Doom than dying. And that’s the payback that Scott ultimately wants.

  This is their macro arc, this is their reason to being, this is their constant through line: “Let’s remove Doom from the equation of life on Earth, and see what happens.” But concurrent to that, every FF villain that ever was comes out of the woodwork, gunning for these imposters, thinking now’s their time to take their shot. So you’ve got these people who have not been the Fantastic Four longer than 10 minutes having to fight off all of the latest and greatest versions of the characters you know and love the most. Whereas Fantastic Four is constant new stuff and new places we’ve not been before, FF is the greatest hits performed by a brand-new band.”

  For Fraction’s entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.


Cassie Lang aka Stature courtesy Marvel

  I LOVE the Young Avengers. Scott was killed by the Scarlet Witch (kinda) in Avengers Disassembled. The amazing and inspiring Cassie carried on her father’s legacy as Stature in Young Avengers. The time twisting events of Avengers: Children’s Crusade led to a brief, heartwarming and heartbreaking reunion between father and daughter. I’m thrilled that Fraction will continue Scott’s story. Hurt Doom, hurt him bad!

  This is Cassie by Young Avengers artist Jim Cheung. Hope Marvel will have Cheung create a variant for this story. 

By Editor

Like The Hunger Games? Meet Kate Bishop

Kate Bishop aka Hawkeye, art by Jim Cheung, image courtesy

  Katniss Everdeen is the amazing heroine of the epic and emotional The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins and the smash hit movie. If you like Katniss I think you will enjoy the adventures of Marvel’s Kate Bishop of the Young Avengers. Katniss and Kate’s backgrounds are very different but they young heroines share a lot of similarities besides their archery skills.

  Kate is tough, independent, blunt and an excellent archer. Kate was born rich but dedicated herself to charity like her late mother. The Young Avengers were an all boys team until a rescue attempt lead them to meet the level-headed and tough under pressure rich girl. Donning parts of the costumes once worn by Hawkeye and Mockingbird, Kate became part of the team of found a secret place for the team to train.

Avengers The Children's Crusade #8 cover courtesy Marvel

  In Young Avengers Special Kate confides a dark painful secret to reporter Jessica Jones. We learn Kate was brutally attacked in what appears to be Central Park. Kate was traumatized and inspired undergo intense martial arts and weapons training like fencing, archery, and swordsmanship.

  I don’t want to give too much away but Kate’s best friend becomes Cassie Lang, the daughter of Ant-Man who goes by the code name Stature. Kate’s testy and sexy relationship with Eli Walker aka Patriot is part of the ongoing appeal of the series. The two teens are stubborn, independent and it’s a joy to watch their “will they or won’t they” relationship evolve.

  Kate wasn’t born with super powers but holds her own as the team confronts villains, gets caught up in Marvel’s biggest epics. She takes on the code name Hawkeye, stands up to Captain America when he orders the team to shut down and eventually meets the real Hawkeye (Clint Barton, played by Jeremy Renner in Marvel’s The Avengers.)

  Allan Heinberg (a writer on Sex & the City, Grey’s Anatomy, Gilmore Girls, Party of Five, The O.C.) and artist Jim Cheung created Kate and the Young Avengers. I’m a huge fan of the Young Avengers. The Children’s Crusade is one of the most beautifully drawn and written stories in modern Marvel history. Here’s the link to learn more about Kate’s team, The Young Avengers.

 Here are Amazon links to the big Young Avengers story collections. Hope you enjoy!

This Young Avengers collects issues 1-6 and the special edition. Sidekicks, Family Matters, Young Avengers Presents, Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways, Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers, Dark Reign: Young Avengers, Siege: Young Avengers, Avengers: The Children’s Crusade.

Deaths and New Beginnings in Avengers The Children’s Crusade Finale


Avengers Children's Crusade #9 courtesy Marvel

  Avengers The Children’s Crusade comes to an end with a powerful story about identity, responsibility and what it means to be a hero. The Young Avengers deal with an ironic loss after their showdown with Doctor Doom only to experience another shocker. The young heroes proved themselves to the Avengers and X-Men but the impact of their actions drives the team apart.

  This issue is an extended epilogue giving Wanda and the Young Avengers time to rethink their actions and future. I don’t think we get a complete answer about the Scarlet Witch/Doom romance and the final word on M-Day but I did enjoy how Wanda is set up for her new mission and place in the Marvel Universe.

  This series is an artistic showpiece. Jim Cheung delivered with action packed panels filled with Marvel’s greatest heroes and ultimate bad guy. This issue gives Cheung the opportunity to equally show emotion and key relationship moments for these two generations of heroes. I look forward to his AvX covers.

Avengers: The Children’s Crusade, AVX and Scarlet Witch’s Fate

Avengers The Children's Crusade #9 preview art by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel, Comic Book Resources

  When the GLAAD Best Comic Book Series Nominee Avengers: The Children’s Crusade began it marked the return of the excellent Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung on the team they created. Wiccan and Speed hoped to find, save and redeem their mother, Scarlet Witch. Their devoted teammates joined them on an adventure into Latveria through time. The heroes faces the Avengers, X-Men, X-Factor and Doctor Doom. Avengers: The Children’s Crusade is one of the most perfectly written and drawn series Marvel is publishing.

  I had no idea how pivotal this story would be to the entire fate and future of the Marvel Universe. When the series ends the Scarlet Witch will be set up for her role in Avengers Versus X-Men, the return of the Phoenix Force and her possible connection to the mutant messiah, Hope Summers will be revealed.

  X-Editor Nick Lowe answered fan questions on Comic Book Resources. The question I found interesting was if the Avengers Editors or X-Editors determined Wanda’s fate after Avengers: The Children’s Crusade?

  “It was Allan Heinberg (with input from Tom Brevoort) mapping out Wanda’s trajectory. Allan had some great ideas on the subject and somehow Tom B. didn’t ruin them all,” Lowe responded. Brevoort is the Avengers Editor.

  Will Wanda be redeemed for Avengers Disassembled and M-Day/The Decimation? Wiccan and Speed may save their mother only to see her fall in AVX. Time will tell but Heinberg and Cheung have created a real Marvel classic with Avengers: The Children’s Crusade.


GLAAD Honors Marvel

  Today Marvel recognized the creative teams of Avengers: The Children’s Crusade and X-Factor for their GLAAD Media Awards. Both are nominated in Best Comic Book category.

  “We try very hard at Marvel to be inclusive of people of all backgrounds, all races, all religions and all orientations,” said Tom Brevoort, Marvel’s Senior Vice-President of Publishing and editor of Avengers: The Children’s Crusade. “And to make sure that a reader of any stripe can find a character that reflects their experiences within our stories.”

“Usually when you say, ‘It’s an honor just to be nominated,’ that’s code for prepping yourself for disappointment,” says X-Factor writer Peter David. “But in this instance, it genuinely is an honor considering that X-Factor was nominated and won last year. Not a convention goes by where a fan or fans comes up to me to tell me how much Rictor and Shatterstar’s relationship means to them, and that always fills me with a sense of pride; and also a feeling of—to borrow a page from Spidey—great responsibility. I’m just glad that Marvel has consistently allowed me the latitude to explore these kinds of topics.”

X-Factor's Shatterstar and Rictor courtesy

  Allan Heinberg is the writer of Avengers: The Children’s Crusade featuring gay teens Wiccan and Hulkling. X-Factor made an appearance in this series.

For today’s complete press release click here. For my previous posts about all the nominated books (and who I want to win and who I think will win) click here and here.

GLAAD Outstanding Comic Book Nominees


Life With Archie #16 courtesy Archie Comics

 GLAAD, The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, reveals the nominees for Outstanding Comic Book for 23rd Annual GLAAD Media Awards:

Avengers: The Children’s Crusade, by Allan Heinberg (Marvel)
Batwoman, by J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman (DC Comics)
Secret Six, by Gail Simone (DC Comics)
Veronica Presents: Kevin Keller, by Dan Parent (Archie Comics)
X-Factor, by Peter David (Marvel Comics)

  All of these nominated books feature a gay or lesbian lead character or a gay character in the ensemble.

X-Factor's Shatterstar and Rictor courtesy

  X-Factor won last year. Rictor and Shatterstar are boyfriends and co-workers at X-Factor Investigations. Rictor is a Mexican mutant who lost his powers but recently was repowered in Avengers: The Children’s Crusade. Shatterstar is a mutant warrior from another dimension – and wants an open relationship. Rictor wants them to stay monogamous.


Batwoman #1 from DC Comics

  Batwoman is Kate Kane, lipstick lesbian socialite of Gotham City and caped crusader by night. The fan favorite crime fighter is the star of her own DC Comics New 52 series.

  Kevin Keller is the front-runner. Archie Comics showcased an openly gay character in an all-ages book. Kevin is serving openly in the military with an African-American boyfriend. The partners were featured on gay wedding ceremony cover. Archie Comics didn’t just publish the story but gave Kevin’s story a big marketing push and it made huge mainstream headlines.

   Thanks to Comics Alliance for the story.

  For my pick to win and possible nominees for 2012 scroll down or click here for part two.

GLAAD Best Comic Nominees Part 2

    I hope Avengers: The Children’s Crusade wins the GLADD Best Comic Awards. Hulkling and Wiccan fell in love in Young Avengers. As the heroes try to save the Scarlet Witch (Wiccan’s mother) they are in the center of a huge storyline featuring Doctor Doom, Avengers and X-Men. The book is filled with action but the heart of story is the strong relationships between the boys and their devoted teammates.  This is one of the most beautifully written and drawn stories Marvel is publishing.

Northstar to the rescue. Courtesy


  I’m hoping that Marjorie Liu’s upcoming Astonishing X-Men (featuring the return of Northstar and his partner Kyle) will be nominated next year. Northstar (when he was in Alpha Flight) was the first superhero to come out. The Canadian mutant has been a teacher and mentor to younger gay mutants, Anole and Graymalkin.

  If you want to learn more about Northstar you can read my post about why he should rejoin the X-Men – which he will later this year.

  Teen Titans (part of the DC New 52) welcomed Bunker, an openly gay Mexican teen hero. Scott Lobdell co-created Bunker with the plan to make him flamboyantly out. It will be interesting to see Bunker’s story develop in Teen Titans and if the book will be nominated next year.

Teen Titans #3 from DC Comics. Art by Brett Booth.

  You may want to read my post about gay heroes in comics.
  Thanks to Comics Alliance for the story about this year’s GLAAD nominees.