Gladiator’s Cosmic Throwdown with the X-Men Updated!


Wolverine and the X-Men #13 courtesy

  An outer space army has come to earth to kill X-Men! Gladiator is here to snuff out the Phoenix Force and rescue his son. Wait until he finds out what Wolverine did to Kid Gladiator? Nick Bradshaw is bringing the cosmic conflict to life in Wolverine and the X-Men #13. revealed some of Bradshaw’s kinetic and color packed pages.

  Remember the first time you saw Gladiator and the Shi’ar Imperial Guard? I was a very young geek. Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin had already blown my mind with what would become the Dark Phoenix Saga. As I opened Uncanny X-Men #137 to see my favorite heroes on an alien spacecraft surrounded by Empress Lilandra and her Imperial Guard. This elite squadron of the most powerful alien warriors dedicated was led by a muscle-bound alien with mohawk. Gladiator (real name Kallark) was created by Claremont and Dave Cockrum. He had an array of powers like Superman and carried a noble air. Gladiator remains one of the coolest creations I ever saw in a comic book.

Wolverine and the X-Men #13 courtesy

   Gladiator has fought with and against the X-Men to protect the universe from the Phoenix. Emperor Kallark now leads the Shi’ar Empire and his son is at Wolverine’s school – protected by Warbird. The Phoenix is back on Earth. Gladiator and his alien army have come to save his son and take on the Phoenix Five.


Wolverine and the X-Men #13 courtesy

  The tease for this issue also promises to reveal more about Warbird’s past. This is my favorite X-book. Jason Aaron has been knocking my out with each issue. Nick Bradshaw’s art has an Art Adams vibe.

  This Avengers vs X-Men tie-in chapter comes out in July. Gladiator beat down Colossus in the Dark Phoenix Saga but a Phoenix powered Colossus may be the warrior’s biggest challenge. Here’s hoping Kallark survives!

Wolverine and the X-Men #13 courtesy

  A post-thought: given the cosmic direction Marvel movies are going maybe we’ll see the Shi’ar Empire in an Avengers sequel or if a Guardians of the Galaxy movie happens?

By Editor

Disney Animates Big Hero Six Into Big Movie

Big Hero Six #1 courtesy

  Disney Animation Studios is developing Marvel’s Big Hero Six as an animated feature film according to It’s on the Grid. Scott Lobdell created the first version of this team of Japanese super heroes led by former X-Man Sunfire: Go-Go Tomago, Honey Lemon, Baymax and Hiro (the smartest boy in Japan.) Wolverine villain Silver Samurai was also part of this team. This cover by David Nakayama is from the relaunched book/team.

  Silver Samurai and Sunfire will likely not be part of this project since Fox controls the cinematic rights to the X-Men. Silver Samurai is said to be the villain of The Wolverine, Hugh Jackman’s next film featuring Logan’s time in Japan.

I loved the first series: “Big In Japan” and can definitely imagine a cool animated version of these heroes – especially Hiro and Baymax.

 By Editor


Thanks to Dark Horizons.

Avengers Vs. X-Men: Phoenix Hunt

Wolverine and the X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

  X-Man versus X-Man, Wolverine versus one of his own students and a God slammed by a mutant one-two punch. Wolverine and the X-Men #12 gives us a powerhouse and emotionally powerful showdown in a nasty corner of this new world ruled by the Phoenix Five. Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo deliver yet another issue packed with action, humor and the unexpected.

  The heart of this issue is Rachel Summers. You don’t have the know Rachel’s tragic future history chronicled in the Chris Claremont/John Romita Jr era but knowing it makes this issue more impactful. Scott and Jean’s daughter from the future escaped her future life where he was a hound. In the Phoenix’s new world order Rachel is tasked with hunting again. Once Rachel tracks her “prey” the result is shocking and hints of what’s to come in future chapters of AvX. Jason Aaron’s portrayal of Rachel’s inner struggle is a standout of this issue.

This issue was so powerful it felt like it could have been a major chapter of the main mega series. This is definitely a tie-in issue you should not miss. Gladiator and a Shiar strike force were already on their way to kill the Phoenix. I can only imagine his wrath when he learns what’s happened to his son after Kid Gladiator took on one too many Avengers!

By Editor

Storm Leads the Torchwood of X-Men


X-Men #31 courtesy Marvel

Colossus crushed. Psylocke driven to tears or is that panic sweat?. Storm keeping secrets. Brian Wood and David Lopez’s X-Men #31 is tight, tense and clean storytelling about a nasty secrets coming to light.

 After investigating a monster attack Storm’s covert security force encounters a bigger behemoth. Using her own secret network of human scientists – Storm discovers a genetic secret so scary she hides it from Cyclops. Ororo’s team even fears the truth could cause an even more violent rift that the events in the Schism event.

 This book is a refreshing change from the other titles but it’s focused on a small team where everyone gets screen time and every character is part of the story.  

  I have to again state how this book reminds me of the Chris Claremont/Paul Smith in terms of tone, storytelling and art. David Lopez is an excellent fit for Wood’s crisp clean pacing and the expressions. Instead of a big screen action stuffed with characters on top of characters, we have a small cast uncovering a scientific mystery, burdened by the knowledge and tactically moving at the small covert unit their set up to be. You might call this a Torchwood (minus the sex but it’s only their second issue) X-Men team?

  If you love the old school Storm when she was a confident, commanding, tactical and thoughtful leader then you’ll enjoy this book for that reason alone. Lopez conveys her powerful presence and steely looks perfectly. 

Giant monster, strong women, freaky scientific mysteries makes this one badass X-book.

By Editor

Storm & Kitty Pryde Take Charge Under Brian Wood’s X-Men

X-Men #36 courtesy

  After a mind warping miniseries (Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega) Brian Wood is now chronicling two X-Books in two different universes. X-Men #30 saw Storm’s security team investigate a new race of mutants and what might be the start of a schism between Ororo and Scott. Kitty Pryde is taking charge of Ultimate Comics: X-Men as the mutants struggle to survive in a nation overrun with Sentinels.


X-Men #32 courtesy

  Brian Wood revealed how he writes two different X-teams in two different worlds on Jim Beard asked about writing a small team of mutants versus the huge cast populating the other X-books.

  “It’s funny you ask that because to me, this is not a small team! I don’t have much of a history of writing team books; most of what I’ve done has been non-super hero creator-owned, with single character POVs or small casts. So to me, right now, a five-person primary cast is big, and I’m still getting the hang of it.”

  Wood was asked if the characters are telling the direction they want to go and elaborated on the security team leader.


X-Men #33 courtesy

  “I’ve found this to be true, since these characters have so much history and written experience that helps guide what they say and do, at least in a reactionary way. Unless something really specific is going on, we all know how a certain character is likely to react to something. So yeah, this has happened and I’ve found myself pleasantly surprised by writing Storm. She’s become more than I thought she would be in this story.”

  Over in the Ultimate-verse Kitty Pryde is getting a new look (no more Shroud?) and assuming a leadership role.

Ultimate Comics: X-Men #14 courtesy

 “Kitty’s new costume was an idea of mine that Jorge Molina kindly made into reality, and it’s entirely about supporting events in the story. It’s part of Kitty’s new no-hiding, no-label, no-codename philosophy—almost an anti-costume. For her to have anything else would be in opposition to the story. I generally like costumes when they feel real and are practical, that look like human hands made them. I don’t have total control over them, of course, these aren’t my characters, but whenever possible that’s the approach I’ll take.”

 “She makes herself a good leader. At first, she decides this is what she wants and then goes out and literally takes it; she aggressively becomes this mutant revolutionary, this freedom fighter. And I’m using those terms in an old school, 20th century way, shades of Che [Guevara] and of Malcolm X—people out to reclaim power from the occupiers, nothing more. And before anyone starts getting alarmed at those references, they’re not meant to be literal.”


Ultimate Comics: X-Men #16 courtesy

  Wood and Kitty take command in time for the Divided We Fall crossover with the rest of the Ultimate books.  For the entire interview here’s the link. Here’s my review of X-Men #30  X-Men #31 is out this week.

By Editor

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for 6/27/12

Batman Inc #2 variant courtesy DC Comics

Batman Inc #2 A bitter and bizarre custody fight. With Batman and Talia Al Ghul for parents no wonder Damian has issues. Batman has created a global crime fighting franchise. Talia has a worldwide empire out to crush it. But the real fight is for the soul of Robin. Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham follow-up their macabre masterpiece debut.

Fatale #6  The time twisting horror crime noir series kicks off a new arc. Nicholas Lash is obsessed. In the modern day Lash tries to uncover the mystery of  Josephine, a woman who may be immortal. In the 1970’s Jo is a woman carving out a new life. But you can bet Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips will expose Hollywood’s dark (and possibly demonic) underbelly.

Manhattan Projects #4 Who would have imagined Albert Einstein as a comic book anti-hero? Jonathan Hickman continues his twisted alternate history of weird science. The atomic bomb was just a cover for what this government think tank was really up to but is this Einstein’s final creation?  

Spider-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

Spider-Men #2 Peter Parker’s encounter with a classic foe throws him into a new world to meet Miles Morales. Amazing Spider-Man meets Ultimate Spider-Man. Will the two wallcrawlers bond or clash?

Wolverine and the X-Men #12 An AvX tie-in with cosmic consequences. Kid Gladiator is a breakout new character. Will the arrogant alien get schooled when he takes on the Avengers? Emperor Gladiator is leading Shi’ar military might to Earth to save his son and destroy the Phoenix.

By Editor

Avengers vs X-Men Rematch: Rogue & Ms. Marvel’s Rumble

X-Men Legacy #269 courtesy

  This week delivers one of the most eagerly awaited fights in the Avengers vs. X-Men series so far: Rogue vs. Ms. Marvel. These heroines with a history throw down in this week’s X-Men Legacy #269.


X-Men Legacy #269 courtesy

  Back in the day Rogue was to be a bad girl under orders from her foster mother Mystique. Rogue’s first fight with Carol Danvers had dramatic consequences for both women. Rogue permanently absorbed Ms. Marvel’s powers and for years lived with Carol Danvers inside her fractured mind.  Rogue eventually left Mystique to ask Professor X for help and began her road to redemption. Ms. Marvel was comatose for years but thanks to the Professor she recovered and eventually became a high-flying hero again.


X-Men Legacy #269 courtesy

  In X-Men Legacy 266 and 267 an Avengers squad arrived at the Jean Grey School and fighting erupted. Rogue was reminded of what her mutant power can do…if she’s pushed hard enough. The fight with She-Hulk was just a warm-up. The tragic consequences and bad blood of their past is sure to be a factor as Rogue and Carol battle again. Christos Gage and David Baldeon bring you this AvX rematch in X-Men Legacy #269 out this week.

X-Men Legacy #269 courtesy

 Who do you want to win this battle? I love ’em both.

X-Men Legacy #269 courtesy Marvel

X-Men Legacy #269 by Christos Gage and David Baldeon. Mark Brooks created this amazing cover.

By Editor

Avengers Vs. X-Men: Adam Kubert’s Phoenix Five


Avengers Vs. X-Men #8 courtesy

  If you were the side of the X-Men before AvX…are you still? I have to ask myself given Scott’s actions. Cyclops has now declared “No More Avengers.” The X-Men will become hero hunters and Avengers will be imprisoned in upcoming chapters. revealed Adam Kubert’s variant cover for Avengers Vs. X-Men #8 showcasing the fiery and regal Phoenix Five (Cyclops, Emma Frost, Colossus, Magik, Namor.) Scott is holding Captain America’s shield.

  Here’s the description for the issue:

  “The chase comes to a head in Wakanda, as the sovereign nation becomes the target of an out-of-control Namor! Will the onslaught of the powered-up Sub-Mariner overwhelm the Avengers? The answer – and a shocking truth about the X-Men – is revealed”

  Avengers Vs. X-Men #8 by Brian Michael Bendis and Adam Kubert arrives July 18th.

  Some of my AvX theories are blown now. I had suspected the overzealous Cyclops was under the influence of the Void but wouldn’t the Phoenix have burned that out of him? It’s ironic the future the X-Men wanted to avoid (Days of Future Past) is now the present but they are the hunters instead of Sentinels. 

By Editor