Bryan Singer Will Direct X-Men: Days of Future Past

The Cast of X-Men: First Class courtesy

Fox is turning to a director of hits past to carry on the X-Men franchise. Bryan Singer is officially coming back to the mansion! The director who launched the X-Men film franchise will helm X-Men: Days of Future Past according to Deadline. X-Men: First Class director Matthew Vaughn stepped away the director’s chair but may continue to have a role as a producer.

The story will be based on the classic story by Chris Claremont and John Byrne. In the mutants have been nearly wiped out by giant robots called Sentinels. Imprisoned X-Men from the future send Kitty Pryde into the past to rally the X-Men of the time to prevent an assassination that leads to their horrific future. Wolverine leads the resistance movement and a last stand (pardon the pun and remembrance of movies past) against the Sentinels. This storyline could mean the possibility of Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ellen Page and Daniel Cudmore reprising their roles. With makeup magic that could appear as older, broken versions of the characters they played in the first trilogy. This story is also noted for the introduction of Rachel Summers (daughter of Cyclops and Jean Grey) and Franklin Richards (son of Reed and Sue of the Fantastic Four.)

By Editor

Top Comic Book Picks for 10/31/12

A+X #1 courtesy Marvel

A+X #1 Let the healing begin! A brand new team-up series in the post-Avengers vs. X-Men world! Wolverine teams up with the Hulk. Captain America and Cable? Did Nathan recently tried to take out the Avengers?

Batgirl Annual #1 The first meeting of Barbara Gordon and Catwoman in the New 52! Will they clash when they cross paths? Plus, the Talon from Night of the Owls is stalking Barbara and wants a rematch!

Doctor Who #2 An evil force is stealing time from anyone it touches. Can the Doctor save the next victim? It looks like this new Time Lord tale could be a sequel of sorts to one of my favorite Tom Baker serials The Pyramids of Mars. All the visual clues are there! We’ll see.

Fatale #9 Get ready for one HELL of a showdown as Jo confronts the demonic force that’s been stalking her through the decades. Sex, death, and cults in seedy 1970’s Hollywood. Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips wrap their latest arc of horror noir that’s not like anything else in the comic shop!

Wolverine and the X-Men #19 After last issue’s shocking murder how will Logan pull the students and staff of the Jean Grey School together? What does the Hellfire Club have planned next?

By Editor


Halloween Flashback! Kitty’s Nightmare Before Christmas

Uncanny X-Men 143 courtesy


  Uncanny X-Men #143 is a classic confrontation that’s perfect for Halloween. This issue titled “Demon” is one of my favorite comic book chillers. It’s a true nightmare before Christmas as a rookie X-man is alone in the mansion being stalked by a N’Garai, a nasty hybrid of Alien and Michael Myers.

  Kitty Pryde had just joined Xavier’s School and this issue was a lesson in fear and determination. The youngest X-Man is terrified by the relentless demon then learns the hard way that her mutant phasing power will not save her from the otherworldly predator. Just like horror movie heroines Kitty uses the adrenaline and thinks on her feet to find way to kill the monster. I’m not giving anything anyway obviously because we know Kitty is alive and well – until the next villain goes after her.

  You should give this one issue thrill ride a go to see how Kitty survives. If you can’t find this single issue, this story is collected in Essential X-Men Volume 2 by Chris Claremont, which includes another creepy one issue story with Cyclops facing the demon, D’Spayre, and features a guest appearance by Man-Thing.

  This creepy cover image above features the art of John Byrne and Terry Austin. Check out for more of the X-Men’s clashes with these demons.

By Editor

Romance With Wolverine and the X-Men

Wolverine and the X-Men #25 courtesy Marvel

I was so excited by the preview art and upcoming stories in Wolverine and the X-Men that I had to divide it up in two posts. Jason Aaron mixes action and humor but let’s talk about love at the Jean Grey School.

Kitty Pryde and Bobby Drake? Quentin Quire and Idie? Toad and Husk? Jason Aaron took unlikely couples and started spinning some sweet, and often hilarious romances. And I was a devout Kitty/Colossus fan! Aaron acknowledges the Kitty/Colossus fan base.

“I know some of the hardcore X-Men fans want Kitty and Colossus, but to me, one of the big themes of Wolverine & The X-Men is change, these characters growing up. It’s a book about family, about moving from childhood into adulthood, and Kitty and Iceman fit that perfectly to me. Once they were both the X-Men kids and now they’re basically Professor X. They’re bonding over that. They’re not necessarily head over heels in love, but there’s something there they want to explore.” – Jason Aaron

Here’s what Aaron revealed about upcoming issues and how it might affect other budding sweethearts at the Jean Grey School.

Will Toad be heartbroken because “the core of issue #19 is that Husk has left the school so they’re hiring a new teacher. ”

“Even though Husk has left the main cast, her story is not over. She’ll pop up in a crazy location,” Aaron shared, ” And even though she’ll be out of the book, you can follow her on Twitter. A Twitter mini-series focusing on Husk, unfolding in real time!”


Wolverine and the X-Men #21 courtesy Marvel

Storm will become a teacher at the school. There is an upcoming cover in which Logan and Ororo kiss! Is this the latest power couple on campus?

“I’m a huge Storm fan, so when I knew the Utopia team was breaking up, I wanted to bring her in,” said Aaron, “I love having strong women in the book, so she joins Kitty and Rachel.”

Bobby has reached a new level of using his mutant power and confidence! Did you him kissing Kitty Pryde!

“We’ve been building for a while to Iceman and Kitty going on their first date, so we’ll see that,” teased Aaron, “There’s something going on with Logan and Storm as well. They have a long history.”

It’s not just the staff of the Jean Grey School hooking up! The tragic Idie may bring out the softer side of snarky Kid Omega. Aaron teased the romantic forecast among the students:

“There’s a lot of stuff to come with Idie and Quentin, not all romantic in nature. There’s lots to come with Genesis, our Kid Apocalypse. Rick Remender have talked a lot about him. We’ve been shaping that story for a couple of years and have stuff planned as far as 2014. There will also be a surprising relationship with one of the kids.”

Editor Nick Lowe said to expect Pixie to appear at the school. She won’t have a big role in the book but “will have a place in the Marvel Now.”

For the entire interview and new art here’s link. Here’s my first post about the Wolverine and the X-Men preview including stories in Savage land, Logan’s brother and the fate of Broo and more.

Update: Want to relive the many love and adventures of this cast? Here’s the link to the Wolverine and the X-Men Omnibus.

By Editor

Wolverine’s Brother, Jean Grey and More X-Men Plans

Wolverine and the X-Men #4 cover courtesy

  Wolverine and the X-Men became my favorite post-Schim X-book. Jason Aaron was pitch perfect balancing action with dark humor, romance, teen angst and ultimately a shocking tragedy.

It’s back to school time. Writer Jason Aaron and Editor Nick Lowe share their lesson plan for the students and staff of the Jean Grey School. One character that experienced huge growth was the arrogant heir to the Shi’ar throne. Kubark learned to love his human classmates and was humbled when his father was brutally beaten Continue reading Wolverine’s Brother, Jean Grey and More X-Men Plans

X-MEN Sequel Director Shuffle? Singer Replaces Vaughn?

The Cast of X-Men: First Class courtesy

  Brace yourself X-fans!

  Matthew Vaughn has decided to not direct the sequel to X-Men: First Class.

  His possible replacement: Bryan Singer.

  All this behind the scenes drama is according to Deadline. The story calls X-Men: Days of Future Past a spinoff instead of a sequel. Hmmmm.

  Singer launched the film franchise and directed X-Men and X2: X-Men United. Singer has been heavily involved with the sequel as a writer/producer. Vaughn and Singer could eventually swap roles on the film with Vaughn producing the script treatment he worked on with Simon Kinberg.

  Mark Millar was recently hired as Creative Consultant for the Marvel superheroes franchises controlled by Fox. Vaughn directed the film version of Millar’s Kick-Ass but bowed out of the sequel. Could Millar be moving Vaughn into a film based on one of his other creations: Secret Service, Superior?

  Fox controls the movie futue of the Fantastic Four. Josh Trank is directing but could Vaughn give his writing or producing expertise to the reboot of Marvel’s First Family on the big screen?

  I loved the first two X-Men films by Singer and feel like this is a “coming home” for the creator. I still hope Days of Future Past (with it’s time travel elements) could reboot the X-Men films set in the present.

By Editor

Death of An Astonishing X-Man?

Astonishing X-Men #55 courtesy Marvel

Iceman melted. The attack of a fake X-Men. Wolverine back in his “Patch” get-up. New York City under threat of attack. It’s a showdown in Madripoor. Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins deliver an action packed but often frantic chapter of this team’s war with Susan Hatchi in this week’s Astonishing X-Men #55.

We know Hatchi’s connection to Karma. Mike Perkins draws a beautifully haunting flashback showing Hatching’s hate for Shan and lays the seed for her endgame. I love how Liu has skillfully created plot within plots. Hatchi’s manipulations and vicious attacks on the team have led to this fateful encounter that may finally free or damn Karma.

My one fault with this issue in this is how the loss of a teammate is nearly forgotten. Only Warbird lashes out but then it’s over. I realize the action is fast and furious as they try to prevent Hatchi’s deadly scheme but I think the death of an X-Man by another would have been weighing heavier on the team.

I love Phil Noto’s cover demonstrating how Hatchi has turned the X-Men into her own personal weapons in a family feud.

By Editor


All-New X-Men Preview

All New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

The Children of the Atom are mutating again. Will a blast from the past reinvigorate the future for Marvel’s mutants? In All-New X-Men #1 Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen bring the original five teen mutants from the past in the Marvel Now. Bendis and X-Men Editor Nick Lowe talk about the time twist and how it will affect the mutants on

In many ways All-New X-Men is a twist on Chris Claremont’s Day of Future Past. Scott, Jean, Hank, Bobby and Warren of the past have arrived in what to them is a horrific future. Their mentor is dead. Cyclops is in prison for the murder. Anti-mutant hate is raging. The X-Men are without a leader. How will the meeting of past and present X-Men affect the mutant and Marvel universe?

“I am fascinated by the power and responsibility of abusing time travel for your own selfish purposes. I do believe it will create a butterfly effect,” Bendis said, “something that happens in All New X-Men will create a cosmic stir.”

After Schism – Logan rebuilt the a school for mutants. I’m a huge fan of Wolverine and the X-Men by Jason Aaron. The staff and students of the Jean School will be front and center in the new book.

“The time traveling X-Men will be trained in the Wolverine school is different and unique ways,” Bendis said, “Hate is very interesting to write but someone appreciating you for your differences will be explored.”

All-New X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

Bendis revealed that the core of the new book is not just old X-Men.

“There’s a lot more going on in the book than just the five coming here,” he said. “A lot of it has to do with modern day Cyclops and who his alliances are with. That will take shape very quickly in the first issue — a very new X-Men idea. What he’s going to do is a completely different shape akin to when the Avengers moved from Avengers Mansion to Avengers Tower.” “There’s new X-Men. We’re not calling it ‘All-New X-Men’ for nothing. There are all new X-Men debuting in our first issue. Brand new characters, you’re welcome Fox. They’re going to be representing a new look at mutants … a very modern take. All this is going on in every issue going forward.”

During his Avengers run Bendis’s stories (“No More Mutants” in House of M, The Dark X-Men and formation of Utopia in Dark Reign) had a huge impact on the mutants. Expect Bendis’s X-Men stories to affect the entire Universe. The

“I want to make the X-Men a part of the Marvel Universe proper,”he said. “you’ll see the X-Men interacting with The Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy.”

This is exciting news. The mutants have a stellar (pardon the pun) tradition of conflicts with alien races (The Shi’ar, The Brood, The Skrulls) and there’s a rich history of family connections (The Starjammers, Vulcan, Phoenix – Jean and Rachel, Deathbird) with those alien empires. Bendis is writing a brand new Guardians of the Galaxy series. Maybe we’ll revisit the infamous M’Krann Crystal?

Bendis said he did not want to bring the Professor X of the past into the here and now “I considered Professor X like a wet blanket”

The way this story is structured is that since Xavier won’t be there, he won’t be able to “mind-wipe” the X-Men.

All-New X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel

I have openly said AvX should have been called Operation: Let’s Make Eveybody Hate Cyclops. The leader now sits in prison (for his actions as the Dark Phoenix) even though he was right about the role of the Phoenix Force and the restarting of the mutant race. Bendis revealed how Scott will not be left rotting in prison and off the burner.

“To the world at large, the public doesn’t know Cyclops killed Xavier,” revealed Bendis. “Even though everybody saw it … everybody saw a different thing. To the public, there was a very cool guy named Scott Summers [who changed the world], did it and then suddenly disappeared.” Bendis said Cyclops will become a very public face of a mutant revolution. “When I say these things, it’s not everyone. There are some people who really like him, there are some who really don’t.” The X-Men will be forced to change their roles and everyone has very different ideas on how to handle Cyclops.”

Bendis said to watch out for a certain shapeshifter!

“A very big, positioned antagonist is going to be Mystique,” Bendis said. “She’s going to be very interested in the past X-Men coming here.”

All-New X-Men #1 arrives November 14th.

By Editor

Thanks in part to Comic Book Resources.