Dr. Nemesis Will See You Cable & X-Force

Cable and X-Force #3 courtesy Marvel

Arrogant, brilliant, blunt. He’s the hero you want on your side – if you stand him!  I loved Dr. Nemesis during Matt Fraction’s Uncanny X-Men run. The Golden Age character is mutant with an evolved intellect (and massive ego!) The gun packing brainiac is now part of Cable and X-Force. Writer Dennis Hopeless told Marvel.com how he sees the Doctor:

  “I see him as a sort of pure scientist, if that makes any sense. He comes into the story for a very specific purpose, and as soon as it’s said that Cable needs this kind of brain doctor, he’s like “alright, I’m in.” At that point I think the mad science of the whole thing is what compels him to stick around. After the first arc, they’re all kind of stuck. You can either go to jail, or you can keep doing this with us. Initially I think it’s a pure scientific interest that has him jumping along with all the crazy pre-cog, criminal, saving-the-world stuff.

How will Nemesis  see brilliant mutant inventor Forge?

   “They’re different versions of the same sci-fi character. Forge is sort of the Mad Max, post-apocalyptic “I can make anything out of junkyard parts” kind of a tech guy, and Doctor Nemesis is more of the genetic tinkerer from a more utopian science fiction story. Plus, their personalities couldn’t be any more different. I think having those two characters that obviously aren’t going to get along, and are going to bicker back and forth, but whenever they put their minds together are really something powerful, that’s why I chose Doctor Nemesis. The rest of the team was set and I needed another character. I kept looking around, and I thought “Forge would hate this guy, and Cable would shake his head constantly at everything this guy says.” There’s actually a scene—I think it’s in issue #3—where he says something and Cable just walks away shaking his head like “God, why did I start that conversation?”

Cable and X-Force #3 courtesy Marvel

X-Men, X-Club and now X-Force – Will this aloof loner connect with this new team?

“I think he fits in well with this team because it’s almost not a team. It’s just a bunch of people that Cable convinced to help with something that get pulled together. I try to make it clear in issue #3 that to Cable this isn’t X-Force. He’s not putting together a super hero team. First, he’s got a brain problem, and then he has another problem. He’s trying to solve it in the best way he knows how and that is to get experts to help him do something. The outside world kind of brands them “Cable’s X-Force” because that’s how we think of any team that Cable has. Doctor Nemesis, because he isn’t a super prototypical super hero, fits well on a team where you just have to be good at something to be involved.”

For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

By Editor

Bendis Previews Uncanny X-Men

Uncanny X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

  Uncanny X-Men is back in February 2013. The revolution is on as Cyclops, Magneto, Emma Frost and Magik are recruiting new mutants in All-New X-Men. The mission continues in Uncanny. The former Phoenix Five hosts will star in their own series in 2013 by Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Bachalo. Bendis and Editor Nick Lowe previewed the new volume of Uncanny X-Men on Marvel.com.

    “In All-New X-Men, we’ve been able to lay out what the X-Men universe looks like now. We’ve shown in a way what Uncanny X-Men will look like. After the first arc of All-New X-Men concludes with issue #6, Uncanny kicks off with Cyclops, Magneto, Emma Frost and Magik trying to save new mutants across the world.”

   “Chris Claremont made X-Men a revolutionary piece about the differences between us. Times have changed and we’re going to see where that fits now.” 

  “We have existing characters at their darkest points mixing with fresh new characters looking at the Marvel Universe in a new way.”

  “When I was doing two Avengers titles, they succeeded because they existed in the same world but were so different. That’s what we’re getting with All-New X-Men and Uncanny X-Men.”

  “I’m a big believer that when people go through large changes in life they alter their appearance, whether they realize it or not. Super hero uniforms are a great way to explore that. This is a great way to express that Cyclops, Emma and Magneto are in a very different place with a very different perspective. Cyclops is the face of what he calls the mutant revolution, taking a harder stance than ever before.”

Uncanny X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

   The former White Queen has evolved from villainess to hero. Bendis says Frost’s signature look will evolve.

  “Emma Frost has evolved immensely over the last 10-15 years. Once she was just this outfit and this look, now there’s so much going on with her. She’s taking a leap into a different direction, and I think her costume design will be the most controversial. It’s no longer just how guys wanted to see her. It’s who she sees herself as. I teach. If I showed up wearing Emma’s outfit, people would be startled. But I could pull it off.”

  Bendis teased a major villain for the new series:

   “This book will have a Doctor Doom level villain who I think is a surprise. I don’t think they’ve ever been a villain in an X-Men book, but there’s a connection that makes sense.”

  Magneto, Emma Frost, Magik and now Cyclops have been heroes and been branded as villains.  The theme of who is seen as a good or bad guy will be explored in the new characters for the series.

   “Among the new mutants that show up, there will be villains. New powers cause a lot of chaos in the Marvel Universe. Not everybody is ready to have these powers and some want to get back at the world.”

  “Many people reading Uncanny X-Men will think Cyclops is the villain.” 

    Many fans assumed All-New X-Men would be the only new X-book and the flagship.

   “The last page of Uncanny X-Men #1 is one of my favorite things I’ve laid out at Marvel. It reveals the reason for the book and completely shifts the X-Men universe.”

   For every Gambit there is a Maggot. Remember him?  One of the biggest challenges of writing the X-book is creating new mutants.

  “You’re very aware as a writer debuting new characters, especially mutants, that the first images of them is being judged next to years of another character. People immediately want to know why this character is better than that one. You need to show a lot right away about why they are different and why you should care.”

  “When Peter Parker got bit by a spider, he was excited. When Miles Morales got bit, he was scared. Different people react differently to being given power. Do you really want it or not?”

  “Coming up with unique powers is the hardest thing.”

  “I’ve been collecting ideas for powers and characters for years, waiting for a place to put them. When I found out I was writing X-Men, I pulled out my file.”

  “With training, one power can become something else. Look at Iceman. What are the limits of power?”

  Bendis’s two books are about the opposing sides of how to best protect the future of the mutant race. He teases how they teams and book will crossover:

  “Uncanny and All-New will intersect once in awhile. Where the two teams are physically and emotionally could not be further away, but there are some places where they have to connect. In issue #9 of All-New and issue #3 of Uncanny, Cyclops and his team show up at the Jean Grey School unexpected. You see it from both perspectives. Something huge will happen that affects both book.”

  “The Avengers will show up in Uncanny X-Men with a lot to say about what’s going on and their responsibility for it.”

  “Uncanny X-Men is darker than All-New X-Men, but it’s not Dark Avengers. Everybody in that book was nuts. Some people reading it may feel that way, others will see Cyclops and his goal and be rooting for him, because that goal is full redemption. There’s nothing more noble than that.”

Uncanny X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

  In All-New X-Men #3 we saw Erik giving Cyclops some hard lessons about his new role and for his actions during AvX:

  “Magneto is an interesting character. He’s made every mistake and given into every villainous desire. He’s done wrong. There are people in this would who get to a certain age and realize they’re the villain of the story and run around trying to make up for it. There’s some of that going on with Magneto. He didn’t do right by his kids and is trying to make up for it in a way with Scott and Emma.”

  “Magneto is the one who could fall the farthest without realizing he’s fallen. He’s also a constant reminder to Cyclops of what happens if he makes the wrong decision one more time.”

  I believed Cyclops would be on a road to redemption after AvX but Scott is becoming more and more like Magneto.

  “He’s making a lot of noise that’s making him very popular with some people and rubbing others the wrong way. There’s always somebody who talks about peace and somebody who takes a more radical stance. Neither is right, neither is wrong, each has their day. I think it’s fascinating to have the lead of the book being equally terrifying and empowering to those around him.”

   Logan rebuilt Xavier’s. Scott is using a haunt of Wolverine’s past as his new base.

  “Using the Weapon X base as a school is taking something horrible and turning it into something positive. Mutants will never go looking for Cyclops in the Weapon X base.”

   A fan asked if Scott picked the Weapon X location because he’s angry at Logan for naming the new school after Jean.

   “I think the opposite. Wolverine is angrier at Cyclops than Cyclops is at Wolverine. You’ll be seeing Wolverine/Cyclops interaction in the crossover I mentioned. I think Cyclops knows Weapon X haunts Wolverine so he wants to make it something better. If Wolverine ever does see it, he might be quite touched, though Cyclops doesn’t ever want him to see it.”

“Although if Cyclops threw out Wolverine’s diary that would have solved all his problems this whole time…”  

  I was afraid Cyclops and Emma were going to be killed off in AvX.

  “In early talks with Brian, I was very pleased when he showed interest in having a book with Cyclops, Magneto and Emma as leads. I was glad he felt these ideas warranted further exploration,” explained Lowe, “When we were planning Schism, we didn’t have the plans for All-New X-Men, but seeing how it has come together is very gratifying.”

  “It’s good to have a plan and there a lot of readers who like to know there is one. Then other things start happening and you go ‘Does my plan fit?’ It’s like your day: You have a plan for your day and then life happens. Sometimes your day goes well, sometimes it completely gets ruined. As a writer you want to be open to either, because both can make for good stories.”

  “Due to the drama with the Phoenix Force, all of these characters’ powers have been broken or shifted. Magik actually finds herself more empowered. She has more control over Limbo and other elements of her powers. The cost of that power will be a big story point moving forward. Also, one of the students immediately falls in love with her.”

  Chris Bachalo has been a frequent X-Men artist and key to co-creating new mutants. Bachalo worked with Scott Lobdell on the creation of Generation X and new looks for the X-Men in the Age of Apocalypse.

Uncanny X-Men #1 by Bendis and Bachalo arrives in February.

By Editor



Arcade Returns in Avengers Arena!

Avengers Arena #1 courtesy Marvel

   Avengers Arena may be one of the biggest surprises to come out of the Marvel NOW relaunch. Dennis Hopeless and Kev Walker will take 16 young heroes (including members of Avengers Academy, Runaways and Darkhawk) and throw them into a Battle Royale scenario. The kids are trapped on an island by a classic X-Men villain. Arcade is back and he’s created a new Murderworld for Marvel’s young heroes. This concept sounds like a mini-series or one-shot but Hopeless and Editor Bill Rosemann tells Comics Newsarama this is definitely an ongoing series.

“Dennis and Kev have thought long and hard about how and why these characters will react to the scenario and the ripple effects their actions will create. Each month — and, yes, this is an ongoing monthly series — they’ll use the creative space to dig deep into the emotions of each character. As to what our cast will look like a year from now, well…”

“Yeah, this is definitely a long game sort of story. We need the space to explore all the different ways a worst-case scenario like Murder World affects this massive cast. I’m not sure we could have done them justice in a miniseries,” adds Hopeless.


Uncanny X-Men #123 featuring Arcade courtesy Marvel.com

I love the villain at the center of this new book. Arcade may not have a great track record for assassinating his targets but he’s definitely a twisted character to enjoy. Rosemann and Hopeless discuss the plan to make Arcade a potent enemy.

“When at his best, Arcade’s creepy façade of a cheery carnival barker is a calculated play that both distracts his targets and also leads his unsuspecting foes to underestimate him. And never forget he began his career by murdering his own father before embarking on a successful run as a freelance assassin. Dennis and Kev both completely understand his potential and knew instantly how to peel off the cheese to reveal his untapped terrifying core. Previously, Arcade always left a way out of his deathtraps, giving his prey a sporting chance, but now… soon everyone will learn that to underestimate Arcade is a deadly mistake,” declares Rosemann.

“Arcade doesn’t get a lot of respect and we all kind of understand why. For the longest time, nobody ever died in Murder World. But despite all of his failures over the years, Arcade is a brilliant guy. Deranged and bizarre, but brilliant. He designed and built all of those crazy death traps,” says Hopeless.

“The scenario Arcade has cooked up in Avengers Arena is a game changer for him. It’s his way of saying, “You don’t respect my reindeer games? Fine. Respect this!”

You could call Arcade the Seneca Crane (from The Hunger Games) of Marvel. The question is who will survive to become the Katniss or Peeta?

For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

By Editor

Avengers Arena & Villain’s Comeback

Avengers Arena #1 courtesy Marvel

One of the X-Men’s most colorful enemies is coming back with a vengeance!

Marvel  invites you to Avengers Arena #1 by Dennis Hopeless and Kev Walker this week. Sixteen young heroes are trapped in a game devised by the only and only Arcade! Marvel’s best and brightest young heroes will be in the fight of their lives on Murder World island.

The X-Men have escaped Arcade’s deadly traps before but some of these kids may not be so lucky.

  “Arcade has spent a lot of years building “Murder Worlds” that yield very few actual murders. He’s decided it’s time to get back a little self-respect. It’s time for a new kind of Murder World. AVENGERS ARENA is about the unlucky kids he’s chosen to help him try it out,” says Hopeless.

“I don’t want to give too much away, but I can promise a lot of murder in this new Murder World.”

Editor Bill Rosemann reveals the contestants: “Fans of AVENGERS ACADEMY will hopefully be excited by the next chapter in the lives of Hazmat, Mettle, Reptil, Juston and his Sentinel and X-23. Speaking of schools, who are the Braddock Academy? After his last appearances in War of Kings and NOVA, Darkhawk soars again! Staying with sci-fi, just wait until you see what Dennis and Kev have planned for Annihilation’s Cammi, baddest girl in all the galaxy. And last but certainly not least, direct from the pages of the dearly missed RUNAWAYS, we have Chase and Nico!”

“It’s sort of ridiculous how huge our cast is at the start. But if you’re going to kill a lot of characters you gotta have a lot of characters,” Hopeless adds.

  I love all the kid characters but you had me with ARCADE! Avengers Arena #1 lets the games being this week.

By Editor

Domino & Daredevil’s X-Cellent Adventure!

X-Men #39 courtesy Marvel

The most un-X-Men-like X-Men book I’ve read in a while is this week’s X-Men #39. Domino needed a vacation from her team so she decided to infiltrate an underground casino for criminals. The lucky lady crossed paths with Daredevil and in this issue the duo track down the weapons dealer in an action and humor packed conclusion.

Domino has always been a sidekick – she’s a feisty, sexy chick with guns and luck but not a ton of depth. Neena is lucky that Marvel decided to have Seth Peck write her with a dynamic, funny personality that makes her pop off the page. Neena and Matt’s chemistry sparks in this two-parter. I want to see her guest star in Daredevil now.

Peck deserves accolades for this caper and for how he made me feel about the villain of this two-parter. This secret of Armitage was a big surprise.

All of the art is top-notch! David Lopez’s cover is an in your face pop classic. Paul Azaceta and Matthew Southworth’s bold lines and dark colors really compliment Domino and Daredevil’s underworld adventure.

If this two-parter was an Seth Peck’s audition for Marvel then imagine me giving him a standing ovation! Domino pops and she deserves her own title or team-up book starring Neena! Any hero would be lucky to share an adventure with her!

Marvel – bet on Domino, Peck, Azaceta and Southworth you’ll win big!

By Editor

STAR WARS Old School, New Comic

Star Wars #1 courtesy Dark Horse Comics

  The Force is strong with Brian Wood. The acclaimed writer (The Massive, Northlanders, X-Men, Ultimate Comics X-Men, Conan) will take on a new comic book series set during the original trilogy for Dark Horse Comics. Check out the cover to Star Wars #1 by Alex Ross!

  Being a huge Star Wars and Brian Wood fan I wanted to share some of his exclusive interview with The Nerdist about writing in the galaxy far, far away.

  “The biggest challenge is actually writing it under the shadow of reader expectation. And doing right by Randy Stradley, my editor, who has written a fair share of Star Wars himself, and that can be intimidating. When I started the job, I had this idea that Star Wars fans would be really hardcore and nitpicky and, to be frank, ready to challenge my work. Then I went to Star WarsCelebration, this convention, and I had one of the most positive experiences of my professional life. Everyone was super nice, very receptive to what I’m doing, and I felt like I belonged in a way that comic book conventions don’t. I came home from that show determined to write 10x on this title.

  And I’m more of a fan of Star Wars than I was aware. Thirty-five years of exposure to it, I guess, creates an impression as well as a huge about of information stored in my brain that is only just now proving its worth.”

For the entire interview and a first look inside here’s the link on the always enjoyable Nerdist.

Watch out for the collection of Wood’s X-Men run with artist David Lopez – one of my favorite storylines of the year and the BEST portrayal of Storm since Claremont – yes I just said that!

By Editor

X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Wants James Marsden, Halle Berry?


Uncanny X-Men #141 courtesy Marvel.com

  Director Bryan Singer really is getting the old gang back together for X-Men: Days of Future Past. Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen and Hugh Jackman will reprise their roles in the sequel.  Movieweb reports that 20th Century Fox wants Halle Berry and James Marsden back for the next movie. I had predicted Halle Berry could be next to reprise her role as Storm but Marsden is a welcome surprise.

In the comic book version of Days of Future Past:

   In a future ruled by Sentinels – Storm, Magneto, Colossus, Kate “Kitty” Pryde, Rachel Summers (daughter of Scott and Jean) and Franklin Richards (son of Reed and Sue of the Fantastic Four) are in a concentration camp. Logan leads the resistance movement. Rachel (has telepathic powers like her mother) sends Kitty’s mind into the past to warn the X-Men of the past about an upcoming act of terrorism by evil mutants that will start a chain of events leading to the dark future. While the past X-Men try to stop the assassination – the future Logan, Storm, Magneto and Colossus lead an assault on Sentinel Headquarters. The final battle of the older X-Men is epic!

Could this mean Daniel Cudmore and Ellen Page could return as Colossus and Kitty since those characters are critical to the storyline? Famke Janssen (Jean Grey) could have a cameo too.

Cyclops was killed by Jean (in Dark Phoenix mode) and Jean was killed by Wolverine in The Last Stand but if producers decide to use Rachel in the movie this could be a way to erase those deaths (and Professor X’s death.)

I’ve been hoping this film could serve as a reboot for the entire franchise (like Star Trek) and you can start over.

By Editor

All-New X-Men #3 Mutant Rebirth Equals Death?

All-New X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel

In All-New X-Men #1 Brian Michael Bendis set up the new status quo of the mutant race in the Marvel Universe. In Issue #2 past met present when Beast brought the original five X-Men into the our time in order to save the future. This week’s All-New X-Men #3 focuses on the future cast of the soon-to-be relaunched Uncanny X-Men. Cyclops and Magneto have a bitter reunion with Emma Frost. It’s going to be fun seeing the former lovers forced to work together after what happened in AvX. We also learn in this issue that the former Phoenix Five may be paying a terrible price for hosting the entity during AvX.

I really enjoyed the scenes between Cyclops and Magneto. The former enemies are now allies. The Master of Magnetism became a follower of Scott in recent years. In this issue the Master delivers a powerful lesson to Scott. The appeal of Magneto as a great villain is that he believes his motives are just and he’s willing to play the villain. Cyclops has been on that same journey but accepting that role is not as easy. There’s a moment when Erik basically calls Scott out and it shows Bendis’s great understanding and handling of these characters.

The previous issues were packed with more joy and action. It’s appropriate this chapter is darker and shows how Scott, Erik and Emma are paying for their sins but still pushing for revolution. The final panel is exciting and sets the stage for a huge showdown next issue.

After this issue I have a theory:

Are the new post AvX mutants killing the pre AvX mutants?

The mutant race was reborn because of the Hope/Scarlet Witch/Phoenix act in AvX #12. New mutants are emerging at an alarming rate. Beast is mutating again and it’s killing him as we learned in All-New X-Men #1. In this issue Cyclops, Magneto and Emma’s mutant powers are weaker? It was a stuggle for Scott to generate his optic blast.

Did that energy surge in AvX #12 that re-ignited the mutant race start a genetic transfer among Earth’s mutants? Could it be that for every new mutant now born it will cost the powers and maybe lives of the existing mutants before AvX? It would be an interesting long-term story element for Bendis to explore and something to watch for as he chronicles the future of the X-Men.

By Editor