Wolverine vs. Frankenstein

Wolverine and the X-Men #23 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #23 courtesy Marvel

It’s Alive! It’s Allllliiiiiivvvvvvveee!

Those mad scientists behind Wolverine and the X-Men create a smashing finale to the Frankenstein’s Murder Circus arc! Jason Aaron and Nick Bradshaw pack Wolverine and the X-Men #23 with horror, humor, action, dramatic character development and one hell of a surprise ending!

A witch’s magic mind control turned the X-Men into circus freaks. Idie became unexpected allies with a member of the new Hellfire Club. Frankenstein was obsessed with killing the sadistic little brat. The mutants were facing zombie clowns! Yes, zombie clowns! Trust me, Aaron and Bradshaw make it work!

In The Last Frankenstein we learn the young villain’s monstrous past, see a glimpse of hope that he might be redeemed and a potential rattling in the status quo in the Hellfire Club. Maximillian Von Katzenelbogen isn’t the only teen who undergoes a big change in this chapter. The blossoming attraction between Idie and Quentin Quire takes an interesting turn. Is the smitten Kid Omega possibly changing his arrogant bad boy ways as Idie sinks deeper into the dark side?

Nick Bradshaw is an artistic madman conjuring zombie clowns, teen angst and a poptastic splash page of Wolverine and the X-Men ready to to drop the big top on the murder circus! Doop fans will LOVE this issue!

I enjoyed every frame then Aaron and Bradshaw and pull a bombshell for theie final magic act! The comeback of a forgotten villain that may be tied to a running gag since the series began. This issue shows yet again this is the X-book is the most mutant fun you can have and maybe the most fun you’ll have with a Marvel title!

By Editor



THE WOLVERINE Movie vs. Comic


Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine courtesy Marvel and 20th Century Fox
Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine courtesy Marvel and 20th Century Fox

  Hugh Jackman reprises his role as Logan in The Wolverine. The story will be set in Japan and based on the limited series by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller. Director James Mangold told Entertainment Weekly how closely the film will follow the classic story.

  “It’s definitely more. A lot of that story and a lot of beats from that saga are in there — and a lot of characters. Without being religious about it, I think it’s a very admiring adaptation. Obviously when you’re adapting anything you make some changes. But all the characters are there – Yukio, Viper, Mariko, Shingen, and Logan obviously. The whole cast of characters that exist in that world exists in our film.”

  Mangold confirmed this film is set after X-Men: The Last Stand but does not act as a sequel. The director says why he chose to set this film after the first three X-Men movies:

“Because of some of the themes in the Claremont/Miller saga. I felt it was really important to find Logan at a moment where he was stripped clean of his duties to the X-Men, his other allegiances, and even stripped clean of his own sense of purpose. I was fascinated with the idea of portraying Logan as a ronin – the definition of which is a samurai without a master, without a purpose. Kind of a soldier who is cut loose. War is over. What does he do? What does he face? What does he believe anymore? Who are his friends? What is his reason for being here anymore? I think those questions are especially interesting when you’re dealing with a character who is essentially immortal.”

For the entire interview here’s the EW link.

Hugh Jackman will play Wolverine again in X-Men: Days of Future Past.

By Editor

Comic Book Picks for January 9, 2013

Star Wars #1 courtesy Dark Horse Comics
Star Wars #1 courtesy Dark Horse Comics

Detective Comics #16 While the Joker has been attacking the Batman family a smoother criminal has made his power play in Gotham City. Batman forms an alliance with the Penguin? Is the fowl rogue an endangered species?

Mars Attacks KISS Big brained evil aliens versus the Rock and Roll legends in 1970’s New York in a tale inspired from the original 1976 KISS comic book.

Star Wars #1 Rebels on the run. The Empire ruled. Go back in time for a new stories set before the destruction of the Death Star! The Force is with fans of the original trilogy in this new Dark Horse series from Brian Wood.

Superior Spider-Man #1 After the shocking events of Amazing Spider-Man #700 there’s a brand new Spider-Man vowing to be superior to Peter Parker!

Wolverine and the X-Men #23 Wolverine vs. Frankenstein!? Yes, Wolverine vs. Frankenstein! Will one of Logan’s students become a victim of the Murder Circus?

By Editor

Brian Wood and Olivier Coipel on New X-Men Book?

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

XX. Wood. Coipel. April 2013.

  Ok you had me with Brian Wood but then Olivier Coipel! I’m giddy!

  Marvel shared a teaser in USA Today of what is sure to be a huge new series. Given the XX and DNA strand of the image – all evidence points to a new X-Men book.

  Brian Wood (Ultimate Comics X-Men, The Massive, Star Wars, Mara) wrote a phenomenal X-Men arc in 2012 featuring Storm, Psylocke, Domino, Colossus and Pixie that introduced the concept of Proto-Mutants. I called it the Torchwood of X-Men team. One of those Proto-Mutants turned out to be alive and so maybe this potential new X-book could star the oldest living mutant on Earth?

Thanks to Comics Newsarama.

By Editor

Marvel Comics Most Anticipated 2013

Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel Now continues with more new relaunches and brand new series in 2013 but this year will mark the return of the Avengers’ greatest enemy!

Age of Ultron! No planning. No build up. The robotic menace hase already won on page one of Age of Ultron. The long-awaited epic series reunites Brian Michael Bendis and Bryan Hitch.

Young Avengers! Kid Loki gets a new group of young heroes together to kill Wiccan? The Scarlet Witch’s son and his boyfriend Hulkling and Kate Bishop are joined by new recruits Miss America and Noh-Varr. Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie (Phonogram) are the new creative team on the new Young Avengers coming January 23.

Marvel Goes Cosmic and Gets Spacey! Brian Michael Bendis and Steve McNiven relaunch Guardians of the Galaxy with new member Iron Man. Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness blast a brand new Nova series with a new young hero under the helmet.

Fearless Defenders! Cullen Bunn assembles Marvel’s finest female heroes in a brand new series starring Valkyrie, Misty Knight and Dani Moonstar! I’m hoping he’ll bring back Hellcat for a reunion with Val!

X-Termination: Alpha #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Termination: Alpha #1 courtesy Marvel

X-Termination! Mutants from multiple dimensions clash in the crossover between X-Treme X-Men, Astonishing X-Men and Age of Apocalypse in March.

Superior Spider-Man! Apologies to hardcore Peter Parker fans but imagine how much fun this could be? Feel the ick when Doc Ock kisses MJ! Root for Otto to get busted or is it possible you could end up rooting for this new “hero” in the suit?

Uncanny X-Men! Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Bachalo relaunch the flagship X-book starring Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magneto and Magik after the finale of the first arc of All-New X-Men starring the original X-Men.

By Editor

Here are my most anticipated 2013 DC Comics books and events.

All-New X-MEN #5 Review

All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel

Everything old is All-New after the first X-Men arc of Brian Michael Bendis. In this week’s All-New X-Men #5 an original X-Man gets a makeover and two X-Women take charge.

Professor X was murdered by Cyclops. Scott, Magneto, Emma and Magik are recruiting new mutants for a revolution. A dying Beast went into the past to bring the original Scott, Jean, Warren, Bobby and Hank into the Marvel Now. Hank’s dream of inspiring Cyclops takes a dramatic twist in this chapter. In the finale of the first arc Beast is reborn, Jean Grey learns entire truth about her future history and Kitty Pryde takes on a new role with Xavier’s original teenage dream.

Bendis delivers drama, action, intrigue and humor but the most important element is heart. A psychic exchange between newly telepathic Jean and the older Beast shows the sense of love and loss these characters are feeling. The storytelling has inspired great moments of nostalgia while still moving the Children of the Atom forward. There’s just a sense of the writer’s love and awe of these classic characters, their history and their relationships. I think I was in a psychic rapport with Bendis and Stuart Immomen as I read this arc!

In these first five chapters Bendis has established the new mutant order with new leaders, new agendas, new mutants, new powers and the potential for exciting new directions. X-Men really is All-New.

By Editor

X-Man Makeover in All-New X-Men

Spoiler Alert:


Do NOT read this post until you’ve read All-New X-Men #5




Here it comes.




All-New X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  All-New X-Men #1 opened with Beast dying from his mutating mutation. In this week’s All-New X-Men #5 Henry McCoy survives (thanks to help from the young McCoy) and emerges with a new look. The Ape looking beast is back but without haircut that looks like Wolverine or the Owl. Stuart Immonen designed the new look.

This is a big shift from the feline Beast that debuted in the Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely New X-Men era. X-Men Editor Nick Lowe talked about Hank’s transformation with Comics Newsarama.

“I’m a big Beast fan, period. I do love the Cat Beast look, as not only do I think that he looks more like a “beast” in that look rather than the classic Gil Kane/George Perez/etc… rendition but I pretty much love every line Frank Quitely has put on paper, so…

Anyway, we would often get in big disagreements (by we, I mean me and most of the room) at editorial retreats about Cat Beast vs. Ape Beast. Also, the old design doesn’t look like an ape! Anyway, my resistance was against reverting to the older version because I thought that the more beastly looking works better for the actual character. But since this is a new, still beastly design and not just a furry guy with big hair, I was all in! But my passion on the subject does open me up to lots of ridicule. But that’s OK, I’m the youngest of three in my family so I’m used to that.”

For the entire interview here’s the link.

All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel

Now that Henry is NOT dying can we expect a return of the happier, bouncing Beast? Maybe a reunion with Trish Trilby? Hank and the reporter split after his change into the Cat Beast.

I’m really showing my age here but since the Ape Beast is back – how about a limited series with Wonder Man? That would take me back to the classic George Perez days!

What do you think of the new Beast?

By Editor

Mike Carey Teases Superhero Comic

X-Men Legacy #260 cover courtesy Marvel Comics
X-Men Legacy #260 cover courtesy Marvel Comics

  Mike Carey teased a new superhero comic for 2013! Carey concluded a six-year run on X-Men Legacy in 2012. The new comic – still untitled – will be with a different publisher.  Here’s what Carey told Robot 6.

  “I’m writing another superhero book (the first since I left X-Men) for a publisher I’ve never worked with before. It’s continuity-free, high concept, and finite. And I’m really, really happy with how it’s coming along. The announcement is a while away yet, so I can’t really say any more than that. But it plays off a situation where people are starting to be given superpowers for the first time, in a way that’s both unlikely and a little bit suspect. And it’s about a guy who chooses to go down this road, and what it means for him and his family. Which, to be blunt, is nothing good.”

Carey is writing Unwritten for Vertigo. Carey crafted my favorite depiction of Rogue since Chris Claremont. Which publisher do you think has the new Carey project?

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