Blink #4 courtesy Marvel
Blink #4 courtesy Marvel

Director Bryan Singer revealed a new character and casting addition for X-Men: Days of Future Past via Twitter. Fan BingBing will play Blink according to Deadline.

Blink is a teleporter created in Uncanny X-Men #317 and just when you thought Clarice Ferguson would go on to be part of Generation X but she died in the Phalanx Covenant storyline.


I’ve often said Blink is the James Dean of X-Men. Clarice was immediately popular but was killed off Continue reading Blink in X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST

Kid Apocalypse Rising

Emerald City Comicon photo by
Emerald City Comicon photo by

Heading to a club this weekend? You may see the mutant rapper Kid Apocalypse! I met this creative cosplayer at Emerald City Comicon and later learned he was shooting a mutant rap video which I shared last week.

Kid Apocalypse is a great rapper and knows his X-Men history. Before the ECCC video the Kid and Beast made this video Kid Apocalypse Rising. Listen for the classic music track Kid raps over! Enjoy:

Yes, that’s the theme from the X-Men Animated Series from the 90’s.

Thanks Kid Apocalypse and Mongrel Studios!

By Editor

UNCANNY X-MEN: Magneto’s Future and New Mutants

Uncanny X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel

The revolution continues in this week’s Uncanny X-Men #3 as Cyclops attempts to recruit more new mutants while a traitor works against him.  Take a look at new art from Chris Bachalo courtesy Marvel.  Bachalo co-created some of the Generation X kids, the darker X-Men of the Age of Apocalypse, the “rogue” squad of X-Men led by Rogue during Mike Carey’s run and helped launch Wolverine and the X-Men with Jason Aaron. Bachalo’s creative synergy with the Children of the Atom continues with this new series.

Uncanny X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel

  Uncanny X-Men #3 will focus on once and former leader of the mutant revolution. Magneto’s powers Continue reading UNCANNY X-MEN: Magneto’s Future and New Mutants

Testing Wolverine’s Powers

Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel

Paul Cornell and Alan Davis launch a brand new Wolverine #1 this week meaning new ways to punish the fan favorite hero.

Logan has been burned down to his skeleton, ripped apart and mutilated over and over in the past. The X-Man’s mutant healing factor has inspired writers to dream up some bizarre acts of violence. I wanted so share some of Cornell’s interview in which the writer aims to make the un-killable hero “vulnerable in other ways: human ways, emotional ways.”

As I said before Wolverine has been put through the ringer because of his healing factor but Cornell says not to expect Continue reading Testing Wolverine’s Powers

WOLVERINE Man of the People?

Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel

Wolverine is a:

X-Man, Avenger, Mentor, Headmaster, Lover, Killer…Man of the People?

Wolverine is a man with many titles and star of many comic book titles! The new volume of Wolverine kicks off this week by Paul Cornell and the legendary Alan Davis. This is Cornell’s return to the House of Ideas and he talked with about his take on the fan favorite X-Man.

“This is the series that gets into what makes James Logan tick, that shows him Continue reading WOLVERINE Man of the People?

Kid Apocalypse, Mutant Rapper of ECCC!

Emerald City Comicon photo by
Emerald City Comicon photo by

I had to get the picture of this Kid Apocalypse cosplayer at Emerald City Comicon last weekend. As I would learn this mutant’s power is to rap! Kid Apocalypse was filming a music video at the Seattle con featuring an uncanny crew of X-Men cosplayers!


Behold Kid Apocalypse: Came From the Chain! Here’s the Youtube link. Check out a cameo from the Kid’s creator, Uncanny X-Force and now Uncanny Avengers writer, Rick Remender!

As you can tell, the Kid knows his X-Men comic book history. Here’s a link to download

I’m looking forward to the sequel!

By Editor

Gambit’s New Lady and Rogue Reunion

Emerald City Comicon 2013 photo by
Emerald City Comicon 2013 photo by

For longtime X-Men fans Gambit and Rogue will always be their favorite couple (as you can see by these Emerald City Comicon cosplayers) but Remy has been flirting with danger in his solo series by James Asmus and Clay Mann. Gambit’s globetrotting adventures have him crossing paths with a female thief named Joelle. Asmus talked with about Remy’s new partner in crime.

“My editor Daniel Ketchum had liked the idea of bringing  in a thieving lady counterpart to Gambit. I was particularly interested in  capturing the energy that made me so intrigued with Gambit in his early years:  the fact that you weren’t really sure if you trusted his motivations, or even  what he said, but he was able to charm and disarm those around him.


Gambit #9 courtesy Marvel
Gambit #9 courtesy Marvel

We’ve learned a lot about Gambit since then, but I thought that creating that  push-pull attraction and question of trust with another character would let me  revive part of what I loved in early Gambit stories. From there, the actual  character of Joelle has evolved some as we’ve gone, for a lot of reasons. But  the core idea behind her and the answers to her major mysteries haven’t changed.”

The writer confirms Rogue will guest star and explains her connection with Remy:

“I think at the moment, she’s very worried about the trajectory he’s on. I’m looking at their relationship through a few personal  lenses. I’ve been on both sides of break-ups where one person’s afraid they  might’ve lit a self-destructive fuse in the other. These two will always care  about each other, but it’s never been easy. And I think she can’t help but be  curious if this mysterious new woman, Joelle, is pulling Gambit irreparably  away.”

For the entire interview and more of Mann’s art here’s the link.

In case you’re haven’t checked this series out yet, think of this book as Remy cutting loose and sharpening his criminal skills – stealing from the bad guys of course. Spider-Man villain Tombstone appears in the current issue.

By Editor