X-Termination Hits Astonishing X-Men

Astonishing X-Men #60 courtesy Marvel
Astonishing X-Men #60 courtesy Marvel

Can the X-Men kill the mutant who looks like a dead friend? The Age of Apocalypse Nightcrawler and Beast teamed up in X-Termination #1 to try and return to their dimension – even it means destroying our own!

Wolverine’s street team (Gambit, Karma, Iceman, Northstar) went into action but as worlds started to collide Dazzler’s X-Treme X-Men team joined the chaos.

The crossover blasts into Astonishing X-Men #60 this week with Wolverine versus Continue reading X-Termination Hits Astonishing X-Men

Building a Better Beast! Cosplay Secrets!

photo by Josh Lewis courtesy KOMONEWS.COM
photo by Josh Lewis courtesy KOMONEWS.COM

One of my favorite costumed couples I see at Emerald City Comicon every year is Kitty Pryde and Colossus but this year the cosplayers mutated into two new looks: Magneto & Mystique and Beast and Abigail Brand!


If you miss the blue furry Henry McCoy then check out how this cosplayer’s secrets to building a better Beast!


Ryan of Suterquest shared how he transformed himself into the Beast! Oh my stars and garters – check it out:

Continue reading Building a Better Beast! Cosplay Secrets!

All-New X-Men, Kitty Pryde in Control

All-New X-Men #6 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #6 courtesy Marvel

Mystique and Sabretooth are showcased in all their mutant malevolence on the cover of this week’s All-New X-Men #9 but Kitty Pryde is the star of this latest chapter by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen so I chose this commanding cover to issue 6 for this story.

I remember way back when Kitty was calling herself Sprite (or was it Ariel? She changed code names and costumes so much back then!) and Kitty didn’t join to join the X-Babies (aka the original New Mutants.) The phasing mutant may have had trouble finding her identity then but Kitty Pryde is confident in her new role as teacher in All-New X-Men and it’s amazing to see and a joy to read. Jason Aaron started the transformation of Kitty when he made her co-headmaster of the Jean Grey School. Under Brian Michael Bendis, Kitty has assumed the role of teacher/mentor/taskmaster to the original X-Men who Beast brought into the future.
I love seeing Kitty being cool and confident as she drills tactics Continue reading All-New X-Men, Kitty Pryde in Control

Colossus In Chains

Cable and X-Force #6 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #6 courtesy Marvel

    Cable and X-Force are mutants on the run as a new arc kicks off this week. Colossus is one of my favorite X-Men but he’s been recruited to Cable’s crew and look where it got him!

Writer Dennis Hopeless has taken the tortured metal man into new territory after Avengers vs. X-Men. No Kitty Pryde. No X-Men. Hopeless explains his approach to Peter:

“Colossus is definitely Continue reading Colossus In Chains

Inside X-Termination #1

X-Termination #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Termination #1 courtesy Marvel

X-Termination kicks off this week! Three X-Men teams. Three worlds. Three powerhouse writers. The universe is threatened and it will take X-Men from various timelines to save us and stop one of their own. The action begins in X-Termination #1 and rocks into Astonishing X-Men, Age of Apocalypse and X-Treme X-Men. Nightcrawler may be the spark that triggers the crossover but as you can see above the Dark Beast makes an evil comeback!

X-Termination #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Termination #1 courtesy Marvel

The Age of Apocalypse Nightcrawler wants to go back to his timeline and he’s willing to destroy any world to it. This AoA Kurt proved he’s only loyal to himself in Uncanny X-Force when he gutted Wolverine. X-Termination will see a rematch Continue reading Inside X-Termination #1

X-Termination Begins!


X-Termination: Alpha #1 courtesy Marvel

The X-Termination Event begins this week! Nightcrawler wants to go back to the Age of Apocalypse and he’ll destroy Earth to do it.

Teams starring in Astonishing X-Men, X-Treme X-Men and Age of Apocalypse clash in a major crossover kicking off this week. Marjorie Liu, Grek Pak and David Lapham (writer of the three books) tell Marvel.com about the collision of X-Men from alternate realities. The talented trio collaborated on this week’s X-Termination Alpha #1 together before the story hits each book.

“I think we each write our X-Family books Continue reading X-Termination Begins!



Astonishing X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel.com
Astonishing X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel.com

Director Bryan Singer revealed Daniel Cudmore will return as Colossus in X-Men: Days of Future Past. The director also revealed Boo Boo Stewart and Fan BingBing have joined the cast via Twitter.

Cudmore played the X-Man who can transform his body into organic steel in X2: X-Men United and X3: The Last Stand. Cudmore played a role in The Twilight Saga. In the classic comic book storyline the film is based on Colossus married Kitty Pryde. In the films Kitty was part of a romantic triangle with Iceman (Shawn Ashmore) and Rogue (Anna Paquin.)

It was revealed earlier that BingBing will play Blink. No word on which character Stewart will play but when I saw his picture my brain jumped to (young Nightcrawler, the original Thunderbird- John Proudstar, or his brother Warparth – James Proudstar)

The director’s Tweet showed the cast list and mentioned the awards among the cast and ended with “now let’s blow —- up!”

Looks like we’ll see a famous Colossus/Wolverine fastball special in the next film!

By Editor