Amazing X-Men #2 Review

Amazing X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

Sometimes being an X-Man is Hell…literally!


Nightcrawler’s peace in Heaven turns into a nightmare when his father sends demon pirates to steal souls. Yes, Jason Aaron is daring to use one of the worst X-villains (but was awesome in X-Men: First Class) in a tale of war in the afterlife.


This week Amazing X-Men #2 continues the otherworldly adventures on two fronts. The writer’s seeds sewn in Wolverine and the X-Men (those darn bamfs!) pay off in a big way sending Logan and Northstar to Heaven and Storm, Iceman and Firestar to Hell. Continue reading Amazing X-Men #2 Review

Quentin Comeback in WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN

Wolverine and the X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

One of the most surprising comic book comebacks continues with a new volume of Wolverine and the X-Men in 2014. Writer Jason Latour and artist Mahmud Asrar are the creative team on the second volume launching in March as revealed by IGN.


Love him, hate him or love to hate him – Quentin Quire will become “one of the biggest players of the book.” Continue reading Quentin Comeback in WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN

X-Men Join Marvel Universe Live

courtesy Marvel and Feld Entertainment
courtesy Marvel and Feld Entertainment

Marvel and Feld Entertainment revealed Storm and Cyclops will be part of Marvel Universe Live, the live action touring show coming Summer 2014. The two X-Men leaders join Wolverine, Spider Man and members of the Avengers in the live action show.


The Marvel Universe Live Facebook page revealed the mistress of weather manipulation.


“Storm’s look has evolved in many directions. I mixed her flair with hints of Egyptian royalty. Continue reading X-Men Join Marvel Universe Live

THE WOLVERINE Classic Costume in Sequel?

courtesy 20th Century Fox
courtesy 20th Century Fox

The Wolverine is now out on Blu-Ray and dvd. Director James Mangold is meeting with Hugh Jackman about a possible sequel.


The X-Man’s classic comic book uniform hasn’t made it to the big screen yet could the yellow and blue or yellow and brown appear in a future movie?


“A lot of fans keep asking about when he’s going to wear his uniform. It’s a struggle for us in relation to question, because Logan’s personality as developed onscreen and in comics is one in which he hates publicity. The filmmakers, even on X-Men, have struggled with an outfit. Finding the rationale for a uniform when the character disdains self promotion, why he would put on some outfit that promotes himself as some kind of hero? Continue reading THE WOLVERINE Classic Costume in Sequel?


Wolverine and the X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

School’s back in session with new headmasters!


Writer Jason Latour and artist Mahmud Asrar are the creative team on a relaunched Wolverine and the X-Men in 2014 as revealed by IGN.


Current writer Jason Aaron just launched Amazing X-Men and will end his Wolverine and the X-Men run with issue 42 in February. The Jean Grey School will remain open as the new team takes over with a brand new number one in March. The new series explores what happens during summer semester. Fantomex joins the teaching staff. Continue reading WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN New Team Revealed

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for December 4, 2013

Amazing X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

Amazing X-Men #2 Nightcrawler is trapped in a bizarre afterlife with Azazel on the attack. In an effort to bring back the Fuzzy Elf, Wolverine and Northstar are now lost in “Heaven” with a nastier version of Bamfs on the attack!


Velvet #2 The deadliest superspy leaves her desk job after an army of agents are taken out. Now Velvet is on the run from her own agency! Espionage comics as only Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting (the team behind Captain America: The Winter Soldier) Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks for December 4, 2013

Shocking Deaths, Major Changes in UNCANNY AVENGERS

Uncanny Avengers #14 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #14 courtesy Marvel

Have you recovered from the shocking events of Uncanny Avengers #14?


Writer Rick Remender, Executive Editor Tom Brevoort and Editor Daniel Ketchum faced the fans in a Marvel Liveblog over the death of two fan-favorite Avengers and an X-Man and what’s next for the team.




If you have not read Uncanny Avengers #14 you may not want to keep reading.


Here we go: Continue reading Shocking Deaths, Major Changes in UNCANNY AVENGERS

Avengers, X-Men Deaths In UNCANNY AVENGERS?

Uncanny Avengers #14 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #14 courtesy Marvel

“Nobody dies,” said Wolverine.


Ironic that those orders came from Logan.


The time-twisting, multiple super villain packed epic reached what might be the biggest WTF moment of the year! Let’s just make a new acronym: WTFRR?


Rick Remender again shows why he’s one of the most ambitious, relentless and crazy comic book writers out there in Uncanny Avengers #14 which just hit shelves and is blowing minds.


Artist Steve McNiven joins Remender for this pivotal chapter of Ragnarok Now and captures every brutal fight, cosmic effect and most importantly, the emotional moments, especially Wolverine in a brutal confrontation with his resurrected son Daken.


Let’s recap:


An Avengers Unity Squad was formed to heal the bad blood between Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and mutants after Avengers vs X-Men.


The Red Skull was reborn and stole Professor X’s brain. This was my review/reaction to the premiere issue. Continue reading Avengers, X-Men Deaths In UNCANNY AVENGERS?