X-23: Target X #1 courtesy Marvel
X-23: Target X #1 courtesy Marvel

After reading Wolverine #9, the next to last chapter of Three Months to Die, I thought about my next and maybe best candidate for the next Wolverine. No one can replace James Howlett aka Logan but will someone take up the code-name and carry on the X-Man’s legacy?


After Logan’s literal dance with “Death” in this week’s issue I thought of the perfect hero become the next Wolverine.


Laura Kinney aka X-23.


Laura is a clone created from Logan’s DNA (his X-gene to be specific) in a section of the Weapon X program. Born in blood, bred to be an assassin and reborn a hero – Laura would be a student at Xavier’s but would later be recruited (against Logan’s wishes) for the X-Force. Continue reading THE NEXT WOLVERINE Part 3


courtesy Bendis! via Tumblr
courtesy Bendis! via Tumblr

Disco Dazzler goes Punk!


The new look for the X-Man inspired a spectrum of reaction after Brian Michael Bendis revealed Kris Anka’s new design via Tumblr.


Whether you love or loathe – isn’t it exciting that fans are passionate about this longtime X-Man’s fate?


That’s the power of a writer like Bendis. I don’t like to categorize characters as A to Z because to some readers that hero is beloved.  (Somewhere someone is hoping for a Maggot resurrection!) I like to say there are front burner or marquee characters and there are back burner characters. Unfortunately some heroes are so far back they’re practically in the freezer. Continue reading DAZZLER Is X-MEN EVOLUTION


Savage Hulk #1 courtesy Marvel
Savage Hulk #1 courtesy Marvel

It’s a blast into the past as a brand new Hulk  series ongoing smashes into comic book shops this week. Living legend Alan Davis will unleash the Green Goliatch in Savage Hulk #1 in a tale with the original X-Men.


“We wanted big names, super stars and break out talent to tell their unique Hulk stories within continuity,” says series editor Mark Paniccia told “That might be now, or using elements of the past and perhaps even glimpses of the future. It all comes back to the current Hulk mythos while letting the talent cut loose with that Hulk story that they’ve been dying to tell.” Continue reading SAVAGE HULK & X-MEN By ALAN DAVIS

New DAZZLER Revealed By Bendis

courtesy Bendis! via Tumblr
courtesy Bendis! via Tumblr

Brian Michael Bendis put Dazzler through hell and back in Uncanny X-Men. Alison Blaire was recruited to be an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., then became a victim of Mystique.


Now she’s getting a major makeover from artist Kris Anka.


Today Bendis revealed the cover of Uncanny X-Men #24 via Tumblr with the greeting, “ladies and gentlemen, the new Dazzler.” Continue reading New DAZZLER Revealed By Bendis

Gay in the All-New Marvel Now: Pride 2014 Update

Astonishing X-Men #50 courtesy Marvel
Astonishing X-Men #50 courtesy Marvel

As part of Pride Month 2014 (in which we celebrate gay visibility in part) where are the GLBT characters in the All-New Marvel Now


Young Avengers won a GLAAD Media Award earlier this year. The Astonishing X-Men issue featuring Northstar’s wedding was a big seller. Those are the most high-profile gay heroes of the Marvel heroes.


Northstar (Jean-Paul Baubier) married Kyle Jinadu 2 years ago. After Astonishing X-Men came to an end, Northstar returned to the Jean Grey School in Amazing X-Men to join the Quest for Nightcrawler.  We haven’t really seen Kyle so we must assume he’s running Jean-Paul’s businesses while Northstar helps Wolverine, Storm and Beast battle demons, monsters and anti-mutant hate groups. The new creative team and storyline took Logan back to Canada (Northstar’s home, too) so we might expect to see Jean-Paul stay in the action as the X-Men team up with Alpha Flight.

Continue reading Gay in the All-New Marvel Now: Pride 2014 Update


Uncanny X-Men #22 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #22 courtesy Marvel

Uncanny X-Men #22 is packed with big moments as Brian Michael Bendis brings the X-Men vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. war to a head.


Beast and Cyclops learn the mastermind behind the Sentinels of S.H.I.E.L.D. attacking mutants. Magneto returns to the school with news about the fate of a lost X-Man and one of Mystique’s most twisted schemes.


It’s an extremely satisfying conclusion to many plot threads since the birth of Cyclops’s revolution team before what might be the biggest X-Men stories of the year: The Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier. Continue reading UNCANNY X-MEN PROFESSOR X’s LAST WILL Preview


Astonishing X-Men #51 courtesy Marvel
Astonishing X-Men #51 courtesy Marvel

Evil mutants, Age of Apocalypse X-Men, journeys to Hell and book cancellations can’t stop this marriage.


It’s GLBT Pride Month, a time to celebrate victories and visibility of gay, lesbian and transgender. When it comes to visibility – an X-Man getting married to a man in New York City and on the cover of a major Marvel comic is big.


Pride 2014 is a time to celebrate the second wedding Anniversary of Northstar and Kyle Jinadu! It was nearly two years ago the X-Man married in Astonishing X-Men #51. Continue reading X-MEN GAY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY


The New Mutants graphic novel cover courtesy Marvel
The New Mutants graphic novel cover courtesy Marvel

X-Men: Days of Future Past introduced two new mutants from the New Mutants era to the cinematic Children of the Atom. With the news that X-Men: Apocalypse will be set in 1983 I couldn’t help but think of popular mutants born in the 80’s.


In Days of Future Past, Sunspot (Adan Canto) got to use his solar energy powers against the Sentinels. Producers chose to amp the Brazilian mutant’s power beyond just super strength. Roberto Da Costa could fly and blast heat at the relentless robots. Sunspot was one of the founding members of the New Mutants.


Warpath (Boo Boo Stewart) used his tracking ability, super strength and fighting skills with big — knives against the Sentinels. Warpath actually started out as a Hellion (a student of Emma Frost and the Hellfire Club.) James Proudstar blamed Professor X for his older brother’s death and joined the Hellions in his quest for revenge by taking his brother’s X-Men code-name Thunderbird. James would later reform and join Cable’s original X-Force then become an official X-Man.


Could more third and fourth generation X-Men join the next sequel in the fight against Apocalypse? Continue reading NEW MUTANTS In X-MEN APOCALYPSE? For Your Consideration