Top 5 Comic Picks 11/30/11

X-Men Legacy #259 courtesy

X-Men Legacy #259

Rogue returns from her outer space adventure to find the X-men divided into rival camps but her feelings are torn between Magneto and Gambit. This is the first part of Mike Carey’s final X-Men arc after a 5+ years of innovative storytelling.

BPRD: Being Human

Terror tales starring Hellboy’s trusted team on the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense. This trade paperback collects stories of the undead, dark magic and how the strange heroes cope with love and loss.

Archie #625 (aka Archie Meets KISS #1)

The Riverdale High gang will Rock and Roll ALLLLLLLL NIGHT! It’s the strangest comic book mashup I never expected. The world’s most famous rock band invades Archie’s  hometown to save the night when monsters are unleashed on Riverdale Rock City.

Thunder Agents Volume 1 and number 1

Would you prefer to burn out in a blaze of glory or fade away?  Regular people are given the chance to be super heroes but with a catch – the powers will eventually kill them. Volume one collects the first ten issues. A new number one issue marks the new adventures of the team willing to die for superhero glory.

Captain America: Man Out of Time

Captain America sacrificed himself in World War Two. Decades later, Steve was revived to face a modern U.S. he didn’t recognize and meet the heroes who were inspired by his legend. In this tale will Cap risk everything to go back and save his best friend from death? It’s the Avengers versus Captain America for the fate of the timesteam. This trade paperback collects the 6 part series by legendary writer Mark Waid.

X Is for Sex


X-Force: Sex and Violence #1 courtesy

  Two of my favorite X-Men comic books made MTV Geek’s list of 10 Sexy, Sexy Books…That Are Also Very Good.

  Grant Morrison took cheating on your spouse to a new level – a psychic level-during his New X-Men run. Cyclops is psychically unfaithful to Jean Grey with Emma Frost, former White Queen of the Hellfire Club. It’s like the old argument: Is it really cheating if there’s no physical sex? It didn’t seem to matter when Jean discovered the truth. Never cheat on a telepath with telepath!

  Wolverine and Domino have an action packed fling in X-Force: Sex & Violence. The Assassins Guild puts a hit on Domino. Her special relationship with Logan goes to a whole new level as the two battle an army of killers.

X-Men: First Class – Movie Versus Comics


The Cast of X-Men: First Class courtesy

  X-Men: First Class revealed how Professor X and Magneto became friends then enemies. After seeing the movie some friends want to know how different the film is from the comics. I’ve selected key story points and explained the difference. I’ve provided links to the collections on Amazon if you’re shopping for an X-fan or want to learn more about the comics inspiration for the movie.

  Professor X and Magneto’s friendship: Charles and Eric originally met in Israel at a clinic for Holocaust survivors. The two reveal their mutant powers while saving Charles’s girlfriend, Gabrielle Haller, and stopping a Nazi war criminal, Baron Wolfgang von Strucker and his Hydra agent. During the battle Professor X prevents Eric from killing the Baron and they part ways.

  Professor X and Mystique: Mystique always has her own agenda and was never a childhood friend of Professor X or Magneto’s lover. Mystique’s real name is Raven Darkholme. Her greatest love is Irene Adler, a mutant code name Destiny, who could see possible futures. Mystique and Azazel are the parents of the X-Man Nightcrawler. Mystique and Wolverine enemy Sabretooth had a child named Graydon Creed. Mystique formed her own Brotherhood of Evil Mutants that appeared in Days of Future Past. Mystique adopted and raised the X-woman, Rogue. Mystique had her own solo series and she reluctantly worked on missions for Professor X.

  Professor X and Moira MacTaggert: Moira was not an American CIA agent. Charles met the Scottish science student at Oxford. Moira became a renowned geneticist and gave birth to a mutant child. Kevin MacTaggert grew up to become Proteus, one of the X-men’s greatest enemies. Moira and Banshee eventually became lovers.

  Professor X’s paralysis: Professor Xavier was actually crippled by an alien calling itself Lucifer. In the comics Charles would regain his ability to walk, have it taken away then gaining it again.

  The original X-Men team in the movie: Beast, Banshee, Havok, Mystique, Angel, and Darwin.  The original X-Men in the comics were Cyclops, Beast, Iceman, Angel (Warren Worthington) and Marvel Girl (Jean Grey.)

Lucas Till as Havok in X-Men: First Class courtesy

  Havok is the younger brother of Cyclops. Alex would later join the X-Men and lead his own team, X-FactorBanshee is an Irishman and former criminal who joined the X-men. Angel (Angel Salvadore) was a student at Xavier’s who joined Magneto’s team. She was not a dancer. Darwin is long lost X-Man Professor X believed to have died but survived due to his adaptability mutation.

  Beast is Hank McCoy. In the movie, Hank has beastly feet but in the comics his entire physical build was mutated. Hank never fell in love with Mystique. An experiment gone wrong at the Brand Corporation turned Hank into his blue furry self. Beast was a longtime member of The Avengers. Hank’s girlfriends have included television reporter Trish Tilby and secret agent Abigail Brand.

  Sebastian Shaw was the Black King of the Hellfire Club’s Inner Circle and not a Nazi war criminal. Shaw did have the power to absorb kinetic energy. Shaw and Emma Frost were lovers.

  Emma Frost was the White Queen of the Hellfire Club. Emma is a powerful telepath. who later developed a secondary mutation of being able to turn her body to diamond form. Grant Morrison wanted Emma in his X-Men stories so he developed the secondary mutation concept for Emma since the team already had two telepaths. Frost and Shaw were lovers and ruled the Hellfire Club’s Inner Circle. Emma later reformed, became a co-headmaster of a new mutant school in a book called Generation X. Emma joined the X-Men in E is For Extinction. In Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon, Cyclops and Emma declared their love for each other and became co-leaders of the X-Men.

  The Hellfire Club was based on a real high society organization of the rich and powerful known for decadent parties and political and economic influence. In the X-Men’s world the Club had a secret Inner Circle of mutants who used their power to build huge financial empires. Sebastian Shaw and Emma Frost ruled it with titles of Black King and White Queen, taken from chess. The Hellfire Club, Shaw and Frost are at their best at being evil in the classic storyline, The Dark Phoenix Saga.

  Riptide was a member of the Marauders, a unit of mutant mercenaries. He was not associated with Shaw. Riptide was responsible for multiple killings and the maiming of Nightcrawler in the classic crossover, The Mutant Massacre.

  Azazel is the father of the X-Man Nightcrawler. The red skinned killer lived in a dark dimension and fathered several demon looking mutants with teleportation powers. Azazel had his own agenda and never worked for Shaw. Nightcrawler’s origin was revealed in a storyline called The Draco.

  If you have any more questions about X-Men: First Class I’d love to hear from you.

The Seeds of The Dark Angel Saga

Uncanny X-Force 17 from Cover Art by Esad Ribic

  Today the Dark Angel Saga Volume 1 is available. This collects the first chapters of Rick Remender’s violent epic starring Wolverine’s covert team – it’s one of my favorite storylines of 2011.

  As The Dark Angel Saga races to the finale in Uncanny X-Force I recall the twisted tales that serve as the foundation for this adventure. Wolverine’s covert ops team has been searching for the Life Seed to save original X-Man Warren Worthington/Archangel from becoming the next Apocalypse. The seeds for this story are definitely worth reading. There are links to the books throughout the post.

  Logan and Wolverine’s covert squad traveled to the Age of Apocalypse. This alternative timeline is where Apocalypse conquered North America.  Back in the 90’s Marvel made a radical move by cancelling all the X-titles. During Legion Quest Professor X had been killed in a freak time travel incident by his own son and never formed the X-Men. Without opposition, the evil mutant Apocalypse rose to power. The new titles reflected this dark new status quo. Reality was eventually restored but some beings from that dimension escaped into the real Marvel universe and the X-Men have been pulled back into this alternate realm in previous stories.

Uncanny X-Men #1

  Warren Worthington was always the golden boy of the original X-Men. Being rich, blonde, athletic and born with mutant wings, Warren was christened Angel by creator Stan Lee.

  Many years later the original five X-Men regrouped to form X-Factor. This is when the golden boy’s life turned tragic. During the Mutant Massacre, Angel was brutally attacked and his wings had to be amputated. But Warren would fly again thanks to Apocalypse. Warren was now armed with wings of poisoned blades that he could shoot at his enemies. Under Louise Simonson’s reign as writer Angel became the Archangel, one of Apocalypse’s Four Horseman. It was just one of the game changing stories affecting all the X-teams during the Fall of the Mutants event. 

   I believe this stands as one of the most radical transformations in comics and lead to emotional storytelling and some vicious showdowns that included Archangel versus Wolverine. One of Archangel’s most vicious battles was in the X-Tinction Agenda.

  Eventually Angel was reborn. Warren’s white wings returned but the blue skin stayed. During this period Warren and Psylocke fell in love. Psylocke is a fellow X-man who underwent a radical change from telepathic British model to Asian psychic ninja. Psylocke’s transformation deserves a whole post – I’ll work on that!

  During the Messiah Complex epic Cyclops and Wolverine created a covert team to do the dirty work the X-Men couldn’t. X-Force was created to take out threats to mutants even if it meant killing. During the first mission Warren’s white wings were shredded again and the Archangel persona took over during a clash with the Purifiers. After the events of Second Coming Cyclops ordered Logan to disband X-Force.

Uncanny X-Force: The Apocalypse Solution cover courtesy

  Warren and Logan form their own covert team to seek and destroy the newly resurrected Apocalypse in The Apocalypse Solution. The story raises a lot of questions about ends justifying the means and when a hero’s actions are really heroic. X-Force is definitely not for every reader.

  I think those storylines are the seeds to give you the foundation for The Dark Angel Saga. These epics are always exciting to enjoy anytime.  You may want to give them a read to give you more context while you wait for the final chapter and learn Warren’s fate.

Gay Heroes in Comics

Bunker debuts in Teen Titans #3 this week. Creators say the Mexican teen is openly gay and flamboyant. The online teaser sparked debate, praise and some scorn. Robot 6 has a good post about the early reaction.

 Comic book universes are still dominated by white males in the pages of comics and behind the scenes. Bunker is the a new creation as part of an effort to make the DC universe more diverse. Bunker’s arrival made me think of the GLBT heroes that I’ve followed over the years. 

Northstar to the rescue. Courtesy

I would have to say that Marvel has taking the lead when it comes to creating gay heroes. Northstar of the Canadian team Alpha Flight was created in 1979 but finally came out in 1992. With news of Alpha Flight being cancelled I’m hoping Northstar will return to the X-Men. In last week’s post I made my case for Jean-Paul joining Wolverine’s new school and team. 

The X-Men family of books have always has a theme of diversity and anti-discrimination with several GLBT characters. Rictor and Shatterstar are boyfriends in X-Factor. Karma is a lesbian member of New Mutants. Anole and Graymalkin are young mutants still in training to be be potential X-Men.

One of my favorite titles is the Young Avengers. Hulkling and Wiccan are boyfriends but being gay is the least of their family troubles. Hulking is an alien wanted by two enemy races. Wiccan may be the long lost son of the Scarlet Witch. Avengers: The Children’s Crusade may reveal the truth about Wiccan’s parentage.

DC’s most famous gay characters are Apollo and Midnighter. The duo was created in Stormwatch which morphed into The Authority under the Wildstorm banner. Imagine Superman and a Batman/Wolverine hybrid as a gay couple and you have Apollo and Midnighter. I would say The Authority is for mature readers for the graphic violence. The two heroes were married. Apollo and Midnighter are members of the new Stormwatch.


Batwoman #1 from DC Comics

DC is the only publisher to feature a lesbian as the star of her own series. When Batwoman was revamped a few years ago, Kate Kane came out and has been kicking butt in Gotham City. Batman’s home turf is the home to another lesbian character. Detective Renee Montoya was introduced on Batman the Animated Series but when she joined the book Gotham Central she was made a lesbian and made more butch.

Teen Titans #3 could be a book to buy for historical reasons. As far as I know, Bunker will be the most flamboyant openly gay character in a mainstream title. As for how out there, we’ll have to read and see. If you know of other gay heroes and heroines I may have left out – I want to hear from you.

Death of Phoenix Page Sold For $65,000+

Uncanny X-Men #137 art by John Byrne and Terry Austin. Published by Marvel Comics


An original page from Uncanny X-Men #137 sold for $65,725! That 1980 issue features the death of the Phoenix/Jean Grey. The art is by John Byrne and Terry Austin. This issue is the final chapter in the Dark Phoenix Saga. The panels show Jean begging Scott Summer/Cyclops to kill her before she loses control and the Dark Phoenix takes over. Thanks for Robot 6 for this scoop. There’s a very rich X-fan out there.

Essential X-Men Volume 2. Art by John Byrne and Terry Austin. Courtesy


The Dark Phoenix Saga is the greatest X-Men and comic book story ever told. Claremont and Byrne weaved an intergalactic, action packed epic filled with emotion. I swear I didn’t cry. I still have my issue #137 and every few years I reread the whole saga and sometimes the entire Clarement/Byrne era.


Phoenix Rising?

X-Men Origins: Jean Grey courtesy Marvel
X-Men Origins: Jean Grey courtesy Marvel

I love you Jean Grey. I hope you stay dead. Two X-Men books arrived this week with perhaps two different signs. Uncanny X-Men #1 featured an image of the Phoenix and Hope in a preview double spread titled Things to Come. Since before Hope’s birth, the clues have been dropping of a possible return. This week’s image was the latest in the line of hints that the Phoenix Force could be rising again.

In Wolverine and the X-Men #1 Logan rebuilds the Westchester school in Jean’s honor. The Jean Grey School for Higher Learning is the new academy for young mutants. This is a fitting tribute to one of Xavier’s most gifted and most tragic students. I hope it’s a sign that Jean will continue to rest in peace.

Jean has been killed and resurrected too many times. Scott and Logan have both moved on. A reunion with the Phoenix Force can only end in destruction again. During Here Comes Tomorrow Jean demonstrated her ability to put Scott, Logan and all humanity first. Jean is the greatest heroine not only because of her tremendous power but of her heart.

By Editor


Wolverine and Kitty’s New School

Wolverine and the X-Men #1 by Chris Bachalo courtesy of

Wolverine and the X-Men #1

I’m launching my blog as a brand new era for the X-Men begins. I’m excited to see where Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo take this team of teachers and students. I was expecting violent action but here are the top surprises from a fun filled first issue:

1. Logan suits up.  Sporting a jacket and tie, Logan is sweating out bureaucrats inspecting the new school as everything that could go wrong – does.

2. Wolverine and Kitty’s new dynamic. Apologies to Jubilee and Armor fans but my favorite Wolverine sidekick will always be Kitty. Now the two are co-headmasters. The scared teen who was once spooked by Wolverine is now his equal trying to keep their new school open and facing some unlikely enemies.

3. A Brood without bite is one of the new students. His appearance was brief but hilarious. This nerdy mutant Brood could be the next Doctor Nemesis.

4. Not your father’s X-Mansion. Beast has built a strange hybrid of old school and high tech moon colony. The new school reminds me of Cable, a Frankenstein like mix of organic and heavy metal. There’s still a danger room but with a twist – watch out for the bathroom!

Visit this section on to learn about more big changes as part of the Regenesis event!

By Editor