X-Men Revenge Cross-Over Idea 2

Uncanny X-Men #123 featuring Arcade courtesy Marvel.com

  My obsessions are colliding again after the latest episode of Revenge. I always love seeing Roger Bart on screen. I was fortunate to see him on stage in a pre-Broadway version of Young Frankenstein the Musical in Seattle. Last night Bart guest starred on my favorite new television guilty pleasure as a bow tie wearing author.

 Every time I saw him I kept thinking this guy could play Arcade, the X-Men villain. The assassin-for-hire traps his targets in his Murderworlds – an amusement park style complex filled with high-tech deathtraps. Bart looks the part with the bow tie but has an extensive resume of characters that go frightfully unhinged right before our eyes.

  One theory of Arcade’s background is that he was a spoiled rich kid who killed his own father upon learning he was about to be disinherited. Arcade finally found something he was good at and used his fortune to build his Murderworlds. For the complete Arcade bio visit this Marvel link.

 And I still hold on to my earlier post that Emma Frost should visit the Hamptons to cross paths with the man who could be her twin – Nolan Ross.

Magneto Actor Talks X-Men Sequel

The Cast of X-Men: First Class courtesy Marvel.com

  Michael Fassbender says another X-Men film is likely given the success of X-Men: First Class. The in-demand star talked with SuperHeroHype at the National Board of Review Gala where the star received the Spotlight Award for his roles in four 2011 films including the X-Men prequel. 

  “I have no choice. They contracted me for two options. I gotta get down with it,” he joked. “We’re at the ground level, but yeah I think there’s going to be another one.”

  Before potentially reprising the Magneto role, you can see Fassbender in Haywire and Prometheus.


A Revenge and X-Men Crossover – Updated

New X-Men #131 cover courtesy Marvel.com

  Tonight is the finale of REVENGE on ABC so I thought it was a perfect time to revisit this crazy idea I had:

 They’re rich, powerful, blonde, manipulative and can deliver razor sharp one liners like Hand assassin throws a dagger.

  Emma Frost is the reformed White Queen of the Hellfire Club and now co-leader of the X-Men.

  Nolan Ross (played by Gabriel Mann) is the witty, scheming, brilliant high-tech billionaire with too much time, money and tech on the hit ABC show Revenge.

  If ever too characters from similar worlds but different mediums should cross over it’s these two.  As I watch Revenge I can’t help but think if Emma had a long-lost twin it might be Nolan. Here’s to the “good” guys with an edge who keep us entertained.

 This is what happens when a geek has too much time his hands – spinning two of my favorite vices into a twisted idea. Disney does own both companies behind these properties and I can see Frost on holiday in the Hamptons crossing paths with Ross!




Chris Claremont on Today’s X-Men

This is the image that started my love of comic books! Find this image on Marvel.com

  I grew up on Chris Claremont’s X-Men. My first post on this site was about ‘my first time’ so to speak. Uncanny X-Men #116 was the finale of the X-Men trying to save the Savage Land from Garokk and I was hooked on comics.

  I’ve been there for all the Claremont years, his departure after X-Men #1, his return, and his X-treme X-Men. It’s about following and loving what you grew up with. It’s just staggering to think how he shaped the mutants he inherited and the many he created.

  The man who was a defining force in modern super hero comics hasn’t written a comics script in a year.

  The writer who talked with Chris Arrant of Comic Book Resources about several topics. I was interested in his take on the current state of the mutants he guided for so many years.

  “Over in the X-Men line of titles, I see that there seems to be a structural redefinition of the canon that will substantially change readers’ relationships with the characters, in the sense that some characters who you felt were on one side of the line in behavior now seem to be turning into anti-heroes, as I understand. Wolverine’s become head of the school, and Cyclops has been positioned as a Magneto equivalent, a good soul taking a violently pro-active stance toward mutants’ perceived antagonists in the world. It’ll be interesting to see how that all relates to the readership.”

Essential X-Men Volume 2. Art by John Byrne and Terry Austin. Courtesy Marvel.com

  Claremont has more to say on Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, the state of the super hero movie and his own prose projects at this Robot 6 link.

From the Vaults: Psylocke, Longshot, Mojo join X-Men

  While I was home in North Carolina for the holidays I looked into my boxes of old comics and reread some classics that I want to share with you.

New Mutants Annual #2 cover by Alan Davis courtesy Marvel.com

  New Mutants Annual #2 and X-Men #10 are fantastic tales by Chris Claremont, Alan Davis and Art Adams from 1986 that brought Psylocke, Longshot, Mojo and Spiral into the X-Men universe.

  Created by Ann Nocenti and Art Adams – Mojo was the ruler/producer Mojoverse where beings were addicted to his gladiator reality game shows. Longshot was his star warrior turned rebel who escaped to Earth.

  Betsy Braddock, before she became a psychic ninja, was Captain Britain’s sister. Betsy was a telepath blinded by an enemy then abducted by Mojo and given bionic eyes. Always searching for the next big thing to keep ratings up, Mojo saw the mutants as his next superstars. Betsy and Longshot would be the bait.

X-Men Annual #10 cover by Art Adams courtesy Marvel.com

  In New Mutants Annual #2 is first time Betsy is referred to as Psylocke. Mojo used Betsy to lure the New Mutants and in X-Men Annual #10 Longshot to ensnare the X-Men into becoming unwilling stars of his latest productions. The X-Men are transformed into the X-Babies, Captain Britain is reduced to childhood and we get a glimpse of what might have been when the New Mutants gear up in their graduation uniforms that would have made them officially the new X-Men.

  The scripts are definitely a change of pace with a twisted fairy tale feel. Alan Davis (New Mutants) and Arthur Adams (X-Men) provide stunning artwork. Longshot had a long run on the X-Men and is now on X-Factor. This issue is back when Elizabeth still looked British, wore her pink suit and a butterfly effect appeared when she used her telepathy. Spiral, Mojo’s six armed sorceress went on to join the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Mojo and the X-Babies have returned to plague the X-Men but these books are when the twisted fun began.


X-Men Schism – 11 of 2011


X-Schism collection cover courtesy Marvel.com

One of the biggest comic events of 2011 was X-Men: Schism. New villains and one misguided mutant trigger an international incident that inflames anti-mutant hatred. When all X-Men should stand together, one decision leads to the destruction of the very foundation of the team. Jason Aaron delivered shocking new villains, a global threat to mutant existence and a Cyclops/Wolverine battle for the ages. 5 of the best artists on the industry illustrated a chapter in the tale that changed the X-Men.

There is plenty of tense action but there’s heartbreak and raw emotions. From Wolverine and Cyclops reaching the breaking point to Idie’s reaction to an impossible scenario no child should have to endure, Aaron created a story that will reverberate with the divided X-family for years to come.

Generation Hope’s Idie may be the X character that defined 2011. The young mutant was responsible for schism, death and reinvention. Idie was one of the breakout characters of 2011.

This collection out today includes X-Men: Schism 1-5, Generation Hope 10-11 and X-Men: Regenesis.

By Editor

Top 5 for 12/28/11

Secret Avengers #20 courtesy Marvel.com

Secret Avengers #20 The Avengers are all dead except Black Widow? The secret agent is trapped in the past on a secret mission to save her teammates

Avengers: Children’s Crusade #8 Death of a Hero? The Young Avengers fight their lifelong heroes to the death and find themselves on the bad side of Scarlet Witch’s reality warping powers.

Uncanny X-Men #4 Mister Sinister’s manipulation of the Dreaming Celestial could mean a nightmare for everyone on Earth. The immortal Space Gods are coming to render their devastating judgement on humanity.

Teen Titans #4 No kiss at midnight on New Year’s Eve for this couple! Wonder Girl versus Superboy in Times Square. Can Red Robin and his brand new teen heroes save Wonder Girl in time?

Roots of the Swamp Thing Scott Snyder’s new series is smash hit. Now you can creep out with this blast from the past. Experience the tales the made Swamp Thing a fan favorite from his debut in House of Mystery to Swamp Thing #1-13 featuring art by the legendary Berni Wrightson.

Christmas Memory With the Mutants

X-Men #109 courtesy Marvel.com

  I’m in transit today from Seattle to Eastern North Carolina to see Mom for the holidays. Before I left I wanted to share a special Christmas issue of the X-Men.

  X-Men #109 was dubbed a 100 page monster issue featuring a new story by Chris Claremont plus 3 older tales set around the holidays. While the previous stories are all action packed with Sentinels, a demon stalking Kitty and Gladiator versus Cannonball, the main story is very moving and reminds us how Chris Claremont poured a lot of heart into the team he wrote so many years.

 “Ceremonies” shows X-Men in a snowball fight, ice skating, enjoying a date, breaking up, giving each other comfort. Comics always deliver action, thrills and battles but once in a while, a change of pace issue like this one makes you remember why you’re cheering for X-Men to win.

  I may not be posting as much as you’re used to this week because I’m spending time with family and just chilling out but I will be back up to full speed after the holiday.

  As you unite with friends and family I wish you safe travels and a happy holiday.